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téma * IARU news v QST 11/1930 (K.V.A.Č. kontra S.K.E.Č.)
Vydáno dne 16. 06. 2004 (113 přečtení)

QST v rubrice IARU news se v č.11/1930 zabývalo bratrovražedným bojem československých amatérů. Zde je celý tento článek v původní podobě a znění. Následuje "Report" organizace K.V.A.Č.

Before presenting the next report it might be well to include just a word about the situation at present existing in Czechoslovakia, as far as amateur societis are concerned. So far, two societes claim to represent the amateur; the K.V.A.C., wich sends in the report printed herewith, and the S.K.E.C., which has rendered reports in the past. Both have petitioned for I.A.R.U. recognition, but a decision in the matter has not yet been made. It is hoped, however, that some settlement will be possible in the near future.

The editor of this department would like to take this opportunity of suggesting to our Czechoslovakian friends that they would benefit greatly by studying the last year´s developments in amateur radio in Australia. Much the same situation existed there for a while, but was solved by the officials of the two societies concerned getting together, talking over their differences and amalgamating, a sporting and wise outcome. How about it, OK´s?



By the K.V.A.C.

Although a great deal of work is beeing done on 40 meters in this country, many amateurs prefer to work locally on the 80-meters band.

The Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs created much happiness in the amateurs ranks recently by announcing that amateur transmitting stations will now be officially permitted. Applicants will have to pass an examination on theory and practice, and must be able to send and receive 10 words per minute (50 letters per minute). Amateur licenses will be granted only for scientific and experimental puposes, and the government will have to be amply assured of these aims before any license will be issued. Maximum input will probably be limited to 50 watts in the final amplifier stage. A special law giving details of these arrangements is now being written up, and should be issued in the near future.

(Incidentally, the granting of amateur privileges in Czechoslovakia is a direct outcome of the Washington Convention of 1927, and the Hague Conference of 1929-A.L.B.)

During the first part of November, 1929, the third annual meeting of the Ceskoslovensky Radiosvaz was held. The K.V.A.C. is the shortwave section of this parent society. Our prezident is Dr. Jan Safranek; the secretary, Mr. P.Motycka, and the treasurer, Mr. Max Paulik.

Active amateurs in Czechoslovakia at present are OK2YD, OK2SI, OK1RV, OK1VP, OK1OK, OK3SK and OK3NZ.

[Akt. známka (1 - nejlepší, 5 - nejhorší): 1,00] 1 2 3 4 5

( Celý článek | Autor: Jan Švarc, OK1UU | Informační e-mailVytisknout článek | Zdroj: QST 11/1930 str. 66 )


  Online přihláška ČAV

ČAV Zde se můžete on-line přihlásit do ČAV. Nazavazujete se tím k placení žádných členských příspěvků ani vstupního poplatku!


21.12.2004: Moon contest
aneb večerní setkání na 3,5 - 144 -432 MHz pro HAMy s charakterem sovy. MOON contest

11.10.2004: OK/OM Contest
je nyní podporován i v nové verzi programu Win-Test, který rovněž spolupracuje se známým příslušenstvím slovenské firmy microHam.

16.08.2004: Nové fórum!
Pokud si chcete podebatit o transceiverech nebo jiných technických věcech, tak navštivte nové fórum, které založil Karel, OK1DNH. Najdete ho zde.

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