ON4KST  144 & 432 MHz chat - OK5Z 6/7th July 2013

2013-07-07 11:40:42Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (DK0PU-3) gd pls sked qso 432.198 ?
2013-07-07 11:01:44Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA6NL-1) ok, budu monitorovat .260, robil som 11x pa, ale zatial sa nam nezadarilo spolu sa pocut
2013-07-07 10:59:07Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA6NL-1) only ha1kyy signal here .260
2013-07-07 10:56:07Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA6NL-1) ok im on rxing .260
2013-07-07 10:49:33Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (UT5ST) tnx 73s
2013-07-07 10:46:14Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (UT5ST) Victor pls qso 432.198
2013-07-07 10:34:02Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (9A6Y) 432.198
2013-07-07 09:44:04Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (9A3DF) pls 432.198 test qso, tnx
2013-07-07 09:20:26Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (LX2LA) ok tnx for test 73s
2013-07-07 09:18:09Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (LX2LA) very qsb on your signal
2013-07-07 09:14:47Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (LX2LA) ok Andre, im on 173 cq cw your dir
2013-07-07 09:11:55Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (LX2LA) gd Andre, pls qso 432.173
2013-07-07 09:10:28Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (IK3XTT) hi time for test qso 432173 ?
2013-07-07 09:07:31Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (HA8BI) gi Tibi, time for qso 432.173 ?
2013-07-07 08:28:18Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (LY2WR) ok im on cw cq your dir .173
2013-07-07 08:26:34Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (LY2WR) 432.173 is ok ?
2013-07-07 08:14:01Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (LY2WR) rrr
2013-07-07 08:13:02Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (LY2WR) gm pls qso 432.173 cw tnx
2013-07-07 08:07:27Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (YT2L) gm pls sked qso 432.173 cw
2013-07-07 08:07:05Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (YT2KA) gm pls 432.173 w
2013-07-07 08:01:58Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (UW5W) gm Victor, pls qso 432.173 cw tnx
2013-07-07 07:58:25Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (SP2MKO) also tns 73s gl
2013-07-07 07:48:22Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (SP2MKO) rrr cq cw 432.173 your dir
2013-07-07 07:45:01Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (SP2MKO) Marek pls 432.173 im your dir
2013-07-07 07:30:02Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (S51WX) ok Dusan, im on 432172.5 cw cq
2013-07-07 07:18:06Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (S51WX) gm pls 432.172 qso
2013-07-07 07:17:14Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (YO2CDX) 2m ?
2013-07-07 07:00:31Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (I4CIV) gm pls chceck 432.296 for test qso, tnx
2013-07-07 06:49:13Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (OL5Z) ale zase lepsi kopec ..hi
2013-07-07 06:47:17Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (OL5Z) Cau, jde to ufb, delal jsem g6 1089km
2013-07-07 06:44:34Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   + + + + anyone sked 432.296 ? + + + +
2013-07-07 06:15:42Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PE1RLF) ok ok tnx fb, 73 gl
2013-07-07 06:14:54Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PE1RLF) ssb
2013-07-07 06:13:49Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PE1RLF) ok im on freq
2013-07-07 06:12:52Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PE1RLF) ok ok
2013-07-07 06:11:25Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PE1RLF) tnx fer qso 73
2013-07-07 06:06:25Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PE1RLF) ok qsb now on freq, im on freq
2013-07-07 06:05:07Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA2M) ok ok 432.296
2013-07-07 06:00:08Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PE1RLF) Peter now 432.296
2013-07-07 05:59:38Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA2M) ok now freq 432.296 your dir
2013-07-07 05:53:05Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PE1RLF) ok ok im cq cw your dir
2013-07-07 05:52:51Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (DK0PU) gm bitte qso 432.299 danke
2013-07-07 05:51:13Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PE1RLF) gm pls qso 432.299
2013-07-07 05:48:45Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (ON4KHG) gm pls qso 432.299 cw
2013-07-07 05:47:44Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA2M) gm pls qso 432.299 cw
2013-07-07 05:43:37Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA4VHF) gm Dick pls qso 432.299
2013-07-07 05:43:20Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA2V) gm Peter pls qso 432.299 cw tnx
2013-07-07 05:31:04Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA2CHR) gm Chris, pls cw qso 432.299 tnx
2013-07-07 05:28:16Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PI4Z) ok ok, tks fer test, pa1tk 59 qsb
2013-07-07 05:24:32Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PI4Z) rrr
2013-07-07 05:20:53Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PI4Z) gm possible test qso 432.299 cw
2013-07-07 05:12:35Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (UW5W) gm Victor, pls qso 432.299
2013-07-07 05:11:02Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (DL6YBF) gm Helmut, bitte qso 432.299
2013-07-07 05:04:36Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   GM anyone test qso 432.299 ?
2013-07-07 05:03:15Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PI4GN/7) gm test qso 432MHz ?
2013-07-07 05:02:42Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA6NL-1) gm test qso 70cm ?



2013-07-06 22:49:18Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (SP2DDV) i lsn you, pls sked 432.158 cw ok ?
2013-07-06 21:33:38Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA6NL-1) ok i lsn
2013-07-06 20:59:49Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PI4Z) ok ok
2013-07-06 20:58:04Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PI4Z) are you qrv 70cm ?
2013-07-06 20:29:12Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (SK7MW) you are qrv 70cm ?
2013-07-06 19:41:08Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (9A1CZG) ok ok
2013-07-06 19:38:18Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (9A1CZG) ok im on cq 432.293
2013-07-06 19:36:27Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (9A1CZG) 432.293 is ok ?
2013-07-06 19:13:34Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (OE3JPC) bitte 432.293 danke
2013-07-06 19:09:04Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   dg7me
2013-07-06 19:05:45Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (S57MZ) sri 432.200 ok
2013-07-06 19:04:21Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (S57MZ) pls ant jn89
2013-07-06 18:54:50Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (HA5LW) 432.293 ok
2013-07-06 18:50:32Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   anyone sked 432.293 ?
2013-07-06 18:49:19Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (HA8XI) Tibi .280 you are ok?
2013-07-06 18:02:12Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   anyone sked 432.297 ?
2013-07-06 17:58:39Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA6NL) ted ani stopa signalu, ale condx se houpou, zkusime asi pozdeji
2013-07-06 17:55:14Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (PA6NL) ok im on .260 rx
2013-07-06 17:23:03Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (IQ1KW) ok ok im on freq
2013-07-06 17:20:22Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (IQ1KW) Mattia your freq on 70cm ?¨
2013-07-06 17:14:18Z   OK5Z 70cm+2m   (HB9FX) pls ant jn89 432.165 ok





ON4KST  microwave chat - OK5Z 6/7th July 2013

2013-07-07 13:54:13Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DM4TI) 23cm 225
2013-07-07 13:52:17Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   ***** anybody for 23/13cm sked? *****
2013-07-07 13:48:58Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 13:48:53Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HB9FX) tnx nice sigs 73
2013-07-07 13:46:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HB9FX) kkk fb here
2013-07-07 13:45:48Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HB9FX) hear you
2013-07-07 13:43:37Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HB9FX) qrg?
2013-07-07 13:42:20Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 13:40:44Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) any copy?
2013-07-07 13:36:43Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) 13cm 120
2013-07-07 13:36:31Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5BV) tnx for try, 73
2013-07-07 13:36:16Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5BV) sri got rprt but nr missing
2013-07-07 13:34:55Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) in 3 mins
2013-07-07 13:29:56Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5BV) good AP in 3min
2013-07-07 13:25:43Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) qrx nw in qso will meep you
2013-07-07 13:24:57Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5BV) pse keep trying hrd you but weak another AP comming
2013-07-07 13:21:08Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5BV) pse 2 more minutes some AP comming
2013-07-07 13:16:42Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5BV) 23cm 225 clg ur dir
2013-07-07 13:16:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7GVF) Kjell try 23cm?
2013-07-07 13:15:25Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 13:14:16Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7ECM) ok tnx for test, 73
2013-07-07 13:10:46Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7ECM) pse 2 minutes more AP comming
2013-07-07 13:07:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7ECM) 23cm 225 clg ur dir
2013-07-07 13:07:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7GVF) Kjell free for 23cm test?
2013-07-07 13:05:24Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7ECM) Andy try 23cm?
2013-07-07 13:04:50Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 13:04:46Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) ok Walter tnx for try, 73
2013-07-07 12:58:52Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) clg ur dir 225
2013-07-07 12:56:05Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) ok 225
2013-07-07 12:55:18Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7ECM) Andy test 23cm?
2013-07-07 12:53:37Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 12:49:51Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 12:45:56Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 12:41:42Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A2SB) Zlatko cq ur dir 23cm 225
2013-07-07 12:35:38Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 12:35:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YU1LA) ufb Ivan nice sigs, tnx 73
2013-07-07 12:33:45Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YU1LA) ok
2013-07-07 12:32:49Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YU1LA) Ivan test 23cm?
2013-07-07 12:31:09Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 12:23:25Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL0STO) qrv 13cm?
2013-07-07 12:21:05Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OE5VRL/5) GA Rudi free for 23/13 sked?
2013-07-07 12:03:33Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 11:55:56Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 11:50:17Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 11:40:28Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OE3C) ok 23cm 225
2013-07-07 11:39:26Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 11:39:01Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK2C) sorac, nejsou lidi
2013-07-07 11:31:14Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 11:26:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OM5UM) pse 23cm .225
2013-07-07 11:12:31Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DG5ACX/P) 23cm 225
2013-07-07 11:11:15Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DG5ACX/P) free for 23cm now?
2013-07-07 11:08:25Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 11:02:52Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP9SOO) test 23cm?
2013-07-07 10:56:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1UFF) 23cm 225
2013-07-07 10:53:59Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1UFF) ahoj, zkusime 23cm?
2013-07-07 10:52:49Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 10:50:34Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OM3W) ok
2013-07-07 10:46:35Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 10:42:16Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 09:13:15Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 09:02:57Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 08:50:04Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7GVF) Kjell free for 23cm test?
2013-07-07 08:47:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 08:45:08Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DH1NFL) test 13cm .100?
2013-07-07 08:43:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP9SOO) test 23cm?
2013-07-07 08:41:38Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 08:35:38Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A1W) fb tnx 73
2013-07-07 08:35:21Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 08:33:36Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A1W) clg ur dir 23cm 225
2013-07-07 08:33:00Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A1CMS) tnx 23/13, sri no 3cm, 73
2013-07-07 08:28:15Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A1CMS) clg 23cm 225
2013-07-07 08:26:54Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A1W) 23cm 225 ur dir now
2013-07-07 08:26:04Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL7QY) ok tnx for 23cm and 13cm test will try later
2013-07-07 08:23:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL7QY) 13cm .100
2013-07-07 08:21:16Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A1W) qrx 3 min
2013-07-07 08:20:07Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL7QY) 23cm 225
2013-07-07 08:19:54Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A1W) test 23cm?
2013-07-07 08:16:30Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 08:13:59Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) sure will try, tnx for test
2013-07-07 08:13:44Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL7QY) claus time for 23cm now?
2013-07-07 08:13:17Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) sri hrd you just few seconds nil now
2013-07-07 08:10:43Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 08:10:31Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) AP in good position now but nil, very sorry
2013-07-07 08:09:30Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) sri no cpi
2013-07-07 08:06:49Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) keep trying some AP comming
2013-07-07 08:05:58Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) hrd shortly but too weak
2013-07-07 08:05:26Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) pse long loop rst and nr
2013-07-07 08:02:07Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) ok go rst and nr
2013-07-07 07:55:53Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) any copy?
2013-07-07 07:55:00Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OL9W) sorac, nejsou lidi
2013-07-07 07:52:39Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) 13cm .100 ur dir now
2013-07-07 07:52:25Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I4JED) ok tnx Alberto
2013-07-07 07:50:58Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I4JED) tnx 23cm qrv 13??
2013-07-07 07:49:33Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I4JED) clg ur dir 23cm 225
2013-07-07 07:49:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) pse qrx 5min
2013-07-07 07:47:49Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I4JED) Alberto 23cm 225
2013-07-07 07:47:14Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) any copy?
2013-07-07 07:44:44Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) 13cm .100 clg ur dir now
2013-07-07 07:42:36Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) test 13cm .100?
2013-07-07 07:42:17Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I3VWK) tnx Rudy ciao
2013-07-07 07:41:46Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I3VWK) all ok on my side
2013-07-07 07:37:17Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I3VWK) Rudy keep trying airplane on the way in 4 minutes
2013-07-07 07:32:38Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I3VWK) 225
2013-07-07 07:31:34Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 07:31:26Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) ok tnx 73
2013-07-07 07:30:04Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) rst rst???
2013-07-07 07:29:00Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) rst nr agn
2013-07-07 07:25:35Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) lets try agn 225 ur dir
2013-07-07 07:23:44Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) sri, no cpi tnx for test, 73
2013-07-07 07:22:40Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) strange you said tnx for qso at 0416
2013-07-07 07:20:31Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) airplanes in good position nw still clg 150
2013-07-07 07:18:47Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) 3 minutes more airplane in 2 mins
2013-07-07 07:17:35Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) we had qso on 23cm in the morning
2013-07-07 07:15:13Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) we already wkd on 23cm
2013-07-07 07:13:46Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) some airplanes are comming keep trying
2013-07-07 07:11:59Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) 150
2013-07-07 07:10:16Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) 23cm 170
2013-07-07 07:08:30Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) Walter free for 23cm now?
2013-07-07 07:07:59Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HA8V) tnx Gabi, sri no 9/6/3 this contest, szia
2013-07-07 07:03:41Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HA8V) 23cm 225 ur dir
2013-07-07 06:52:58Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HA8V) ok clg 23cm 225 ur dir
2013-07-07 06:51:56Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HA8V) Gabi free for 23cm sked?
2013-07-07 06:48:13Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HG7F) ok
2013-07-07 06:46:13Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HG7F) free for 23cm test?
2013-07-07 06:45:49Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7DTE) ufb tnx 73
2013-07-07 06:43:29Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7DTE) 23cm 225 clg ur dir
2013-07-07 06:40:48Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7DTE) test 23cm?
2013-07-07 06:37:15Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OE6DRG) pse ant jn89ak
2013-07-07 06:34:56Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? FB condx DL/PA now ***
2013-07-07 06:32:51Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7GVF) Kjell 23cm test?
2013-07-07 06:31:24Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 06:30:39Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (PA6NL) tnx 23/13cm 73
2013-07-07 06:24:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (PA6NL) hear you on 13
2013-07-07 06:20:35Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (PA6NL) test 13cm?
2013-07-07 06:19:47Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (PA6NL) ufb sigs tnx 73
2013-07-07 06:19:35Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DF0MU) fb tnx 73
2013-07-07 06:15:21Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (PA6NL) call you after ol3z fb sigs here
2013-07-07 06:13:21Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DF0MU) gm test 23cm?
2013-07-07 06:09:51Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 06:05:29Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL5YWM) GM Daniel test 23cm?
2013-07-07 06:02:08Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 05:54:46Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   ***** any DL/PA for 23/13cm? ufb condx now *****
2013-07-07 05:54:03Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK0PU-1) tnx 73
2013-07-07 05:50:13Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK0PU-1) ok
2013-07-07 05:49:10Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** any PA/DL for 23/13cm nw? vy good condx now ***
2013-07-07 05:48:39Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (PI4GN) WOW 59+40 on 13cm really great, 73!
2013-07-07 05:46:11Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (PI4GN) kkk 599 here
2013-07-07 05:43:15Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (PI4GN) super 20 over s9 on 23cm!!!
2013-07-07 05:40:26Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (PI4GN) test 23cm?
2013-07-07 05:32:26Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 05:30:35Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL0GTH) tremendous sigs 40 over 9 on 23cm
2013-07-07 05:23:53Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IK3GHY) ufb sigs Giorgio tnx 23/13 73
2013-07-07 05:21:00Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1ES) Ahoj Pepo, sri, pidivlny tentokrat nemame
2013-07-07 05:19:39Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IK3GHY) clg you
2013-07-07 05:13:24Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IK3GHY) gm Giorgio test 23cm 225?
2013-07-07 05:11:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1AIY/P) Ahoj Pavle test 23/13?
2013-07-07 05:10:02Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5BV) sri... something vy weak no cpi
2013-07-07 05:08:59Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OE3C) gm, sri no 3/6/9 this contest
2013-07-07 05:07:08Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5BV) ok
2013-07-07 05:04:40Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5BV) Gerd free for 23cm test?
2013-07-07 05:03:18Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 05:03:03Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL1SUN) ufb Norbert tnx 73
2013-07-07 05:01:39Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL1SUN) pse 13cm 110
2013-07-07 04:59:53Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL1SUN) ok
2013-07-07 04:59:00Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59GS) fb sigs 73 tnx
2013-07-07 04:58:50Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL1SUN) Norbert free for sked nw?
2013-07-07 04:55:50Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59GS) ok
2013-07-07 04:54:42Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59GS) test 23cm?
2013-07-07 04:53:25Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 04:37:07Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP9CP) tnx Chris 73
2013-07-07 04:30:35Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK2BVE) 23cm 225
2013-07-07 04:28:51Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP9CP) test 23cm 225?
2013-07-07 04:28:05Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK2BVE) ahoj qrv 23cm?
2013-07-07 04:18:14Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A1W) test 23cm 225?
2013-07-07 04:16:47Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 04:16:38Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) ufb tnx 73
2013-07-07 04:13:42Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) ok clg ur dir 225
2013-07-07 04:12:19Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) test 23cm 225?
2013-07-07 04:08:59Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HG5W) strange... tnx for test 73
2013-07-07 04:04:33Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HG5W) ok clg ur dir
2013-07-07 04:01:27Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HG5W) test 23cm .225?
2013-07-07 04:00:39Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (ON4CJQ/P) not a trace... will try later, tnx for test
2013-07-07 03:57:50Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 03:57:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (ON4CJQ/P) Jerry any copy?
2013-07-07 03:48:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (ON4CJQ/P) ok
2013-07-07 03:45:04Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-07 03:44:58Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A8D-3) tnx 73
2013-07-07 03:44:44Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S51ZO) tnx Joze 73
2013-07-07 03:41:51Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A8D-3) clg ur dir 13cm 110
2013-07-07 03:37:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (9A8D-3) qrx will meep you
2013-07-07 03:36:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S51ZO) GM Joze 23cm .225?
2013-07-07 03:33:21Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***

2013-07-06 22:35:54Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OM3RAL) pse 230
2013-07-06 22:33:08Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OM3RAL) ahoj 23cm 225
2013-07-06 22:31:35Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 22:26:10Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DG6ISR) 23cm 225
2013-07-06 22:25:19Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 22:22:18Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP1JNY) 13cm 110?
2013-07-06 22:19:43Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5AR) tnx Andreas 73
2013-07-06 22:14:46Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5AR) pse 13cm 110
2013-07-06 22:09:02Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5AR) ok clg ur dir
2013-07-06 22:08:27Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP1JNY) qrx after dj5ar
2013-07-06 22:06:57Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5AR) 225
2013-07-06 22:05:48Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DJ5AR) GE Andreas time for sked nw?
2013-07-06 22:04:20Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 22:00:21Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OM3KII-2) ok 13cm 110
2013-07-06 22:00:08Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HG7F) ok ose meep me
2013-07-06 21:58:23Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HG7F) test 23cm?
2013-07-06 21:55:39Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DG6ISR) Sven time for 23/13?
2013-07-06 21:54:03Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 21:53:55Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL1SUN) ok will meep you ltr 73
2013-07-06 21:51:11Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL1SUN) Norbert time for 23cm test nw?
2013-07-06 21:49:23Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 21:49:19Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW3SPI) sri nil maybe tmw, 73 tnx for test
2013-07-06 21:46:35Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW3SPI) not yet some AP comming keep trying next 3 mins
2013-07-06 21:42:52Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW3SPI) ok
2013-07-06 21:41:12Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW3SPI) qrg?
2013-07-06 21:40:44Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OM3KII) 13cm?
2013-07-06 21:35:34Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (HG7F) test 23cm 225?
2013-07-06 21:30:02Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW3SPI) test 23cm?
2013-07-06 21:27:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OZ1ALS/SHF) sri nil... lets hope for tmw, 73
2013-07-06 21:25:38Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OZ1ALS/SHF) try cq for 2 mins
2013-07-06 21:24:25Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OZ1ALS/SHF) ok keep trying
2013-07-06 21:23:20Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 21:23:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OZ1ALS/SHF) sri nil on 13 will try tmw morning, 73 tnx 23cm qso
2013-07-06 21:17:13Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OZ1ALS/SHF) ufb tnx ok nw 13cm
2013-07-06 21:13:02Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OZ1ALS/SHF) hrd you shortly but AP gone, new is comming keep trying 3 more minutes
2013-07-06 21:10:18Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OZ1ALS) hrd you very good but AP gone... will lsn
2013-07-06 21:08:14Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OZ1ALS/SHF) test 23cm?
2013-07-06 21:07:34Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL1SUZ) ufb Uwe, tnx 73
2013-07-06 20:58:49Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL1SUZ) ufb 599 in the peak, tnx Uwem test 13cm .110
2013-07-06 20:55:08Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL1SUZ) 23cm 225
2013-07-06 20:53:42Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 20:47:29Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DR5T-1) nr agn
2013-07-06 20:45:26Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? looking for AP test ***
2013-07-06 20:44:42Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DR5T-1) sri nil here... will try tmw morning agn, tnx for test 73
2013-07-06 20:35:15Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DR5T-1) ok 23cm 225 ur dir nw
2013-07-06 20:32:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 20:32:28Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK5AI) tnx Wolf, 73
2013-07-06 20:29:07Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK5AI) clg ur dir
2013-07-06 20:28:00Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK5AI) GE Wolf, 23cm 225?
2013-07-06 20:26:18Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP6GWB) ok
2013-07-06 20:25:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP6GWB) ok qrg?
2013-07-06 20:24:39Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 20:24:11Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK2M) sorac, pidivlny nemame
2013-07-06 20:23:40Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7LCB) ufb finallz, tnx 73!
2013-07-06 20:15:52Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7LCB) was too weak now lets wait for SCW 773
2013-07-06 20:14:10Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK5AI) qrx 5min
2013-07-06 20:12:53Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7LCB) 160
2013-07-06 20:12:24Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7LCB) still clg, AP is comming
2013-07-06 20:10:37Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7LCB) hrd you but qrm
2013-07-06 20:07:05Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7LCB) will call after om3kii
2013-07-06 20:03:01Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK2ZF/P) nil here will try tmw morning lets hope for better AP, 73
2013-07-06 19:58:10Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK2ZF/P) ok
2013-07-06 19:55:07Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IK3HHG) frank free for 23/13 sked now?
2013-07-06 19:54:13Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 19:53:55Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK2ZF/P) tnx Rolf 73
2013-07-06 19:49:25Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK2ZF/P) airplane is comming
2013-07-06 19:45:18Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK2ZF/P) ok
2013-07-06 19:43:37Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I4JED) Alberto lkg for you
2013-07-06 19:42:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK2ZF/P) GE Rolf free for 23/13 sked?
2013-07-06 19:41:48Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OL4K-2) cau, sorac, nejsou lidi...
2013-07-06 19:39:02Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DB6NT-1) ok clg
2013-07-06 19:36:41Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DB6NT-1) Michael free for 23/13cm sked nw?
2013-07-06 19:35:07Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 19:34:26Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (ON4CJQ/P) no any useable airplane, will try tmw morning, ok?
2013-07-06 19:30:05Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (ON4CJQ/P) test 23cm 225?
2013-07-06 19:29:29Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP5QAT) strange... will try later, tnx for 23cm, 73
2013-07-06 19:26:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP5QAT) ok clg 13cm 225
2013-07-06 19:21:41Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP5QAT) clg 225 ur dir
2013-07-06 19:18:36Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP5QAT) test 23cm .225?
2013-07-06 19:16:58Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL0GTH) ok
2013-07-06 19:16:02Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL0GTH) pse 23cm no 8/6/3 this contest
2013-07-06 19:12:53Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP5QAT) qrx will meep you
2013-07-06 19:10:30Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DL0GTH) ok pse call
2013-07-06 19:09:19Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 18:52:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OE3JPC) test 23cm 225?
2013-07-06 18:50:53Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DG0ST) ok
2013-07-06 18:49:43Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DG0ST) test 13cm 225?
2013-07-06 18:49:30Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DG0ST) vy qrm but all ok on my side, tnx 73
2013-07-06 18:44:10Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DG0ST) 23cm 225
2013-07-06 18:43:14Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DG0ST) test 23cm?
2013-07-06 18:43:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59P-3) fb tnx 73
2013-07-06 18:40:41Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59P-3) 13cm .110
2013-07-06 18:38:16Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59P-3) any copy on 13cm?
2013-07-06 18:35:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59P-2) ok 13cm 225 clg ur dir
2013-07-06 18:34:47Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59P-3) ok 13cm 225
2013-07-06 18:33:30Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7ECM) Andy test 23cm?
2013-07-06 18:33:09Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 18:32:35Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) tnx for test will try tmw morning 73
2013-07-06 18:30:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) Walter any copy?
2013-07-06 18:28:09Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OM3KII-2) qrx
2013-07-06 18:27:52Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59P-3) qrx 5min pse
2013-07-06 18:26:49Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) 225 cw
2013-07-06 18:26:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW2BNA) Walter 23cm qrg?
2013-07-06 18:25:00Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59P-3) any copy?
2013-07-06 18:22:46Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59P-3) clg you 13cm 225 +/-
2013-07-06 18:17:38Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59P-2) 23cm .225 ok?
2013-07-06 18:17:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S59P) 23cm .225 test?
2013-07-06 18:14:04Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) airplane in right position now, any copy?
2013-07-06 18:10:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (YT1TX) 23cm 225 clg ur dir
2013-07-06 18:03:28Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 17:58:45Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IW3SPI) test 23/13cm?
2013-07-06 17:50:43Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 17:46:14Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 17:46:08Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DF0MU-1) tnx for test will try later agn, 73
2013-07-06 17:45:45Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OL9W-2) nejsou lidi...
2013-07-06 17:45:03Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OL9W-2) sri, pidivlny tentokrat nemame
2013-07-06 17:44:27Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DF0MU-1) ok clg
2013-07-06 17:42:48Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DF0MU-1) yes hear you
2013-07-06 17:38:49Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DF0MU-1) ok call me
2013-07-06 17:37:59Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DF0MU-1) qrg?
2013-07-06 17:37:21Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 17:37:15Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IQ1KW) tnx 23/13cm, 73 Roberto
2013-07-06 17:32:45Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IQ1KW) ufb on 23cm test 13cm 225
2013-07-06 17:30:33Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP1JNY) tnx Marek, 73
2013-07-06 17:30:15Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IQ1KW) 23cm 225
2013-07-06 17:25:29Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP1JNY) ok 23cm 225
2013-07-06 17:24:17Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IQ1KW) test 23cm?
2013-07-06 17:20:46Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DQ7A) 23cm 225 ur dir now
2013-07-06 17:17:41Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK6AS) sri forgot you 23cm 225 now?
2013-07-06 17:14:43Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP1JNY) cq ur dir 23cm 225
2013-07-06 17:13:12Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1MAC) cau Honzo sri, pidivlny nemame, 2m, 70, 23 a 13cm only
2013-07-06 17:12:18Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP1JNY) 23cm 225 ok?
2013-07-06 17:12:04Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S58M) ok tnx quite weak here...73
2013-07-06 17:09:54Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S58M) rst nr agn
2013-07-06 17:05:17Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S58M) any copy?
2013-07-06 17:04:30Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK6AS) Andreas in 5 min nw in qso
2013-07-06 17:03:39Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S58M) cq ur dir
2013-07-06 17:01:44Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S58M) 23cm 225
2013-07-06 16:57:11Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP1JNY) 5min qrx
2013-07-06 16:56:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I3VWK) ok 23cm .225
2013-07-06 16:54:40Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP1JNY) test 23cm?
2013-07-06 16:54:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 16:54:12Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SK7MW) ok, tnx 73
2013-07-06 16:53:44Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SK7MW) ufb test 13cm?
2013-07-06 16:50:30Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SK7MW) 277 ok?
2013-07-06 16:49:46Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SK7MW) test 23cm?
2013-07-06 16:48:05Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 16:46:45Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IQ1KW) test 23cm now?
2013-07-06 16:45:46Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1RW) slysis neco?
2013-07-06 16:42:51Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1RW) jsem na 120
2013-07-06 16:41:13Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1RW) ok qrg?
2013-07-06 16:38:15Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK0GHC) 23cm 290 ur dir
2013-07-06 16:35:56Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DK0GHC) 23cm qrg?
2013-07-06 16:35:01Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IQ1KW) 23cm test?
2013-07-06 16:32:47Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IK3COJ) super sigs Aldo
2013-07-06 16:32:27Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 16:31:48Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IK3COJ) wow 20 over s9 on 13cm tnx, 73
2013-07-06 16:28:43Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IK3COJ) clg 13cm 130
2013-07-06 16:17:40Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 16:15:12Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DM4TI) Udo 23cm qrg?
2013-07-06 16:12:32Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I3VWK) will try later tnx for test Rudy
2013-07-06 16:08:10Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I3VWK) clg you 230
2013-07-06 16:07:21Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) will try later, 73
2013-07-06 16:05:16Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I3VWK) Rudy 23cm qrg?
2013-07-06 16:04:58Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) sri nil nw, will try later
2013-07-06 16:03:39Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) any copy?
2013-07-06 16:01:43Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) clg ur dir 13cm 150
2013-07-06 16:00:20Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (DM4TI) qrx will meep you Udo
2013-07-06 16:00:05Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (I3VWK) sked nw will meep you Rudy
2013-07-06 15:59:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) yes 13cm .150
2013-07-06 15:58:03Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 15:57:07Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IZ4BEH) piece of cake, tnx 23/13, fb sigs here, 73
2013-07-06 15:54:27Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IZ4BEH) ok
2013-07-06 15:53:57Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (IZ4BEH) qrg?
2013-07-06 15:49:37Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) ok
2013-07-06 15:47:02Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SM7DTE) GA test 23cm?
2013-07-06 15:45:34Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) 23cm qrg?
2013-07-06 15:42:22Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) 23cm qrg?
2013-07-06 15:40:41Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S54AA) ok qrg?
2013-07-06 15:40:28Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP4MPB) great Marek, tnx 73
2013-07-06 15:37:49Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP4MPB) ok super sigs on 23cm, keep trying 13cm
2013-07-06 15:34:06Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP4MPB) ok
2013-07-06 15:33:16Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (SP4MPB) ok Marek, qrg?
2013-07-06 15:32:24Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S57SU) tnx Uros, nice sigs here, 73
2013-07-06 15:30:43Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S57SU) ok clg ur dir
2013-07-06 15:29:40Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (S57SU) ok qrg?
2013-07-06 15:25:28Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   *** anybody for 23/13cm sked now? ***
2013-07-06 14:42:15Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1KUO) ok, dej vedet
2013-07-06 14:40:43Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1KUO) 13cm .100
2013-07-06 14:30:13Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1AYR) ahoj sked 23cm .300?
2013-07-06 13:53:13Z   OK5Z 23@13cm   (OK1MAC) cau Honzo, mas chvilecku na test?