29th January - 2nd February 2006


After few weeks another strong tropo in Prague come. I was glad to meet MM0DQP and MM5AJW on the band, because it was my 1st GM on 70cm & new tropo ODX 1459km.  As well as 2m qso with MM3ERP was very nice, even he used 2W station only. I hrd him on 70cm too, but his 9el small antenna and 10W were not enough for me :-) Beacon GB3ANG IO86MN on 144.453 MHz was very laud over 3 days here!! This beacon has only 5W in 4el yagi, 370m ASL..... Hey Jon, OY9JD where were you?

I wasn't dare to imagine about GM via tropo in my qth because of very bad profile to GM (it's the worst direction from here). Why? Check photo. It was taken from 400m far underground station (view to N). Antennas on picture are pointing to the east, forest is in direction to GM & LA, SM and is about 100m far from our house :-)

  2m FT847 + 100W MRF141 PA + 10EL DK7ZB
70cm FT847 + preamp + 500W GI39 PA + 23EL DK7ZB

DD/MM/YY   UTC   MHz     CALL      RST     RCVD     LOC     km
28.01.06  23:22  144330  PA4PS     529-599 539-559 JO33GH  650
29.01.06  07:00  144330  I6WJB     529     519     JN72CK  857
29.01.06  08:08  432200  S54T      579     549-57  JN75EW  468
29.01.06  08:38  432200  DL1VPL    59      59+     JO61UA  111 TOMAS HRD PI7CIS/B
29.01.06  09:14  432200  DL8DAU    59+     59      JO40ME  387 MATTHIAS 200W 23EL Y
29.01.06  10:29  432180  DG1KJG    59      53      JO30NT  526
29.01.06  11:06  144330  PA4PS     579     559     JO33GH  650 QSL CARD
29.01.06  11:12  144330  SP6HED    59      58      JO80IK  164
29.01.06  11:16  144330  PA4EME    579     529     JO20WX  615 13EL Y 250W
29.01.06  16:08  144290  OK1MHZ    59      59      JO70VA   97 MILO PARDUBICE 40W 2X10EL Y
29.01.06  17:00  144290  DK1FG     59      58      JN59OP  240 560M ASL 15EL Y
29.01.06  18:23  144260  PI9CM     59      52      JO22VA  642 + hrd ON7CL 2m 539
30.01.06  07:35  144300  DM2AFN    59+     59      JO61WB  110 20W 10EL TONNA FRITZ
30.01.06  19:55  144333  MM0DQP    559     559     IO88KI 1459
30.01.06  21:06  144251  GM6VXB    55      53      IO97AQ 1361
30.01.06  21:22  144262  MM3ERP    59      58      IO87RJ 1376 + hrd MM3ERP 51 70cm
30.01.06  21:36  144280  GM0TGE    53      53      IO87TF 1358
30.01.06  23:29  432210  MM5AJW    599     559     IO88KI 1459 new dxcc
30.01.06  23:42  432210  MM0DQP    529-579 529-579 IO88KI 1459
31.01.06  00:16  144346  G4DEZ     579     539     JO03AE 1052
31.01.06  00:42  432230  G4DEZ     529     419     JO03AE 1052
31.01.06  19:56  144205  PA5KM     599     559     JO11WL  760
31.01.06  23:09  144290  GM0TGE    559     539     IO87TF 1358 + hrd GM4CXM 519 70cm
01.02.06  07:39  144305  OZ6ABA    59+20   52      JO57DJ  852
01.02.06  09:55  144295  SM6VYP    57      51      JO67AT  868
01.02.06  10:34  144290  SM7DIE    52-55   41      JO76TH  691
01.02.06  10:39  144208  OZ9S      59+10   55      JO65FR  636
01.02.06  12:15  144302  LA3BAA    59+     51      JO38QB  995 TOR
01.02.06  13:17  144285  OZ3MC     57      53      JO46ML  792 hrd DC6UW 59 70cm jo44
01.02.06  14:39  144312  OZ5AGJ    59      55      JO56DG  736
01.02.06  17:19  144285  SM6NET    59      51      JO68SD  893
01.02.06  17:53  144320  SM6YOU    59      55      JO67AQ  854
01.02.06  18:05  432181  DJ8MS     599     559     JO54VC  477 hrd LA6MV 59 2m jo59
01.02.06  18:20  144276  SM7RZF    59+     55      JO75CN  603 MIKE 100W 15EL Y
01.02.06  18:59  144210  OK1AXD    59001   59      JO70GA   15 VITEK HRD SM6JCC 2m 59+ jo67
01.02.06  19:20  144062  OZ8ZS     579     529     JO55RT  662
01.02.06  21:28  144280  LA1T      59      55      JO59FE 1039 HANS hrd LA1T 519 70cm JO59
01.02.06  22:09  144060  SM7GVF    599     559     JO77GA  765
01.02.06  22:16  144315  OZ9FW     59+40   59      JO65CO  626 FRED
01.02.06  22:33  144270  LA3BO     57      53      JO59CD 1038 +  hrd GM4AFF 419 2m io86
02.02.06  16:05  144317  GM4JTJ    53      52      IO86RP 1337 NOT QRV 70CM
02.02.06  17:39  144305  DO2XB     59      59      JO71HP  167 TOMAS
02.02.06  17:36  144320  SP1MVG    59      53      JO73FJ  362 CHRIS
02.02.06  17:39  432210  SP1MVG    55-57   52      JO73FJ  362 70W 22EL K1FO
02.02.06  17:48  144290  SM7RYO    59+40   59      JO76DB  659 AKE
02.02.06  17:57  144061  SM7GVF    599     559     JO77GA  765
02.02.06  18:06  432210  SM7GEP    559     529     JO77IP  835
02.02.06  18:42  144285  SM7VZH    59      55      JO66OF  682 KAY IC271E 50W
02.02.06  18:47  144380  SM7UYJ    56      52      JO65OP  618 ROGER SK7MW
02.02.06  19:24  144350  SM6JMZ    59      54      JO66IR  742 PER
02.02.06  19:47  144288  SM6NET    559     519     JO68SD  893 hrd 319 on 70cm
02.02.06  20:37  432210  SK7MW     59      53      JO65MJ  592
02.02.06  20:41  432220  OK1YA     59+     59      JO70GC    2
PHOTOS FROM JO70FD (pse click on)
 - 29th January Sunrise, my antennas
 - 30th January Sunrise, ant dir GB3ANG IO86
 -2nd February, ant dir GB3ANG IO86
Vyprávějte mi o půvabech inverze. /PRÁVO 31. ledna 2006/
(Tell me something about thermal inversion glamour)
--- more pictures here
picture from SP6VGJ page, tnx