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Welcome to our web site !

Česká verze stránek je zde ceska verze

Our OK2KKW history started in 1990, after splitting of the former radio club OK1KRA. We won our very first contest (July 90 the 3rd subregional contest), but unfortunately we were disqualified for mistake in log date. Poor beginning - better results later on.  We focused  on VHF/UHF contests, not only in OK. We succeeded in France, in the Netherlands and in United Kingdom. Currently we are QRV on 144 MHz, 432 MHz and 1296 MHz . Our home contest location is Spaleniste, JO60JJ ( about 1040 m a. s. l., about 5 km from Czech-German border ), in Krusne Hory Mountains, north west Bohemia.

Our radio club (and its members) are NOT members of Czech Radio Club (CRK), so please send us QSL direct via OK1DIX or OK1VPZ.

For VHF/UHF contest results in last few years click here.

Complete contest logs of OK2KKW are here.

For info abt. OK0EP beacon click here.


  Members of OK2KKW:
ok2kkw from the left:

OK1VPZ - Vláďa Petržílka  > chief technician

OK1TEH - Matěj Petržílka > young operator on 23cm

OK1DIX (N1GA ) - Ladislav Valenta  > first operator

OK1KN -  Jarek Klimosz  > most experienced operator

OK1RK - David Klimosz > the best club operator

OK1DYX - Marie Valentová > contest support (behind the camera)


... and from time to time  other operators, who are friends of "KILO KILO WATTS" and good beer.



  good soldier Svejk

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 Any question about our club and/or this site please send to ok1vpz@tesmedia.cz


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Last upgrade on 4.November 2000.
      (c) OK1TEH.