-[ A.R.I. XIV Italian (CW) EME Contest 2007]-

Date: 8-9th September

rules: http://www.vhfdx.ru/content/view/544/40/

If you have on 2m 100W + 9el Yagi, try CW random QSO with IK3MAC!

Source: Moon-Net

Hi All

Will try to be QRB , limited time , on ARI CW test , most time on 144 and some QSY to 432, will try to answer the CQ , and will call CQ near 144149 even

73 de Josep EA3DXU

Hello All,

I plan to be qrv in 144 MHz ARI EME contest and hope see You during 5-6 hours.

Best 73 de Ants,ES6RQ in KO28wa with 8x17 el and GU78b

I am looking for 432 scheds during the ARRL VHF/UHF contest this weekend, please e-mail off-reflector. For EU, the best window would be Sunday mid-day UTC. Contest exchange requires you to send a grid square. If you have less than 8 yagis and a KW, I would suggest JT mode instead of CW. Thanks.

Ken ke2n@arrl.net FM18ew (16 x 9wl and 1 kW)

Hi all,
Will be QRV in the weekend, TX 2320 only, RX 2320/2304. 3m dish, 200W @ feed. JO31fx

73, Gerard PA0BAT

I will be QRV on 144 CW, see you!
73 Kjell SM7GVF

I plan to be QRV on 1296 MHz in ARI Contest:
Saturday 8th 09,00 - 15,30 UT and Sunday 9th 02,00 - 07,00 UT
73 Franta OK1CA JO70GM 10m dish and 500W


i will be qrv and call cq on 144043. Hope see most of you, good luck

73, Valter IK1FJI

I have repaired my station and will be qrv on 432 MHz EME ARI Contest.

I will be around 432.030 MHz CW only horizontal. So please listen for me vertical in W and VK.

Hope to copy more than 2 stations in the contest and not everybody working only on 23cm.

73s Andreas DJ3JJ JN48js

4x13 DK7ZB (20dbd), 600W at Dipoles and LNA DJ9BV Design

Hello Friends
RW1AW will be QRV 8 and 9 Sep in ARI Contest on 1296 - 2304/2320 - 10368 MHz

10GHz - 6m solid dish 50W in feed
2.4 GHz - 6m mesh dish 300W in feed
1.2GHz - 9m mesh dish QRO

vy 73 Alex RW1AW KP50da mailto:rw1aw@appello.de

Hi to all, I'm qrv This week end for contest. I start on 23 cm band. last 2 hour ( around) the day, cange the feed for 13 cm band....only 2304/2320.
big fun to all and cu
73 de IW2FZR Dario

I will be QRV for ARI Contest! For CQ , I will use 144.042 or 144.056 !
73 de Doru,YO2AMU

For ARI, I have come up with the following schedule:
05:00 - 08 :00 2304.1-2320.1 MHz.(rx 2424)
08:15 - 14:00 10.3681 GHz.
14:15 - 16:30 2304.1 -2320.1 MHz
5.7 GHz possible on request.

04:30 - 06:30 10.3681 GHz
07:30 - 17:30 1296 & 432 MHz.
5.7 MHz possible on request 11:30 - 14:30

Please let me know and maybe I can work something out. 15 min for to change feeds.

GL 73  Philippe F2TU http://F2TU.perso.orange.fr

Hi all

I will try to be active in ARI contest. Specially I am interested in SSB QSO. If You hear me good (CW) do not hesistate to ask me for SSB try. Or please send SMS to +381 63 7123 333 with data about frequency and period.

Best regards Goran YU1CF, YT2L, AI4RK

144MHz: 16 x 7el Yagi (by Dual) full elevation, 25dBi, 1.5Kw, MGF1302
50MHz: 4 x 6el Yagi, (by Dual) full elevation, 17.8 dBi, 1.6Kw, preamp

Hi all,
after last two very windy days looks that will be possible be on also for me. I am really looking forward to meet all of you after my long absence on 1296 MHz. I am expecting to be QRV only 1296 MHz. 432 MHz is still affected by QRM which producing any digital source in my region and I can not to find it.
Best regards
Zdenek - OK1DFC
QRV 144 - 1296 MHz EME
QRO and 10m DISH
WAC 432 - 1296 MHz

Hi all,
I wil be QRV in ARI - EME on 144.048 MHz CW .
73, Stan OK1MS

In an attempt to work three bands in the ARI contest I have come up with the following schedule:

8-Sept 0000z - 0330z 432MHz
8-Sept 1300z - 1800z 432MHz
8/9-Sept 1800z - 0300z 2304MHz
9-Sept 1400z - 1700z 1296MHz
9-Sept 1700z - 1730z 432MHz (work K8GP in VHF QSO Party)
9-Sept 1730z - 0000z 1296MHz

What a challenge. Best I can do. I've got my feed changes down to less than 10 minutes.

If this doesn't fit with your schedule and you want to work me really bad, please let me know and maybe I can work something out.

On 2304 I can receive 2300 to 2424. Please let me know if you want to work me on those bands.

73 Thanks  Mike, KL6M BP51dc


I'll be active on ARI EME CW next weekend. Hope to have a good weather without strong wind and good CONDX.

As a little pistol, I'll look for good signals calling CQ.

Good luck to all.

73 de YO3FFF Cristi KN24ND ANT 5WL, 800W, MGF1302, Spectran.

Hi All,
I hope to be on 2m most of the contest as usual.I look forward to working as many of you as possible.Good luck to you all.Enjoy the contest.
73 de Roy.g3zig.


I plan to be qrv this weekend in ARI contest. I hope there will be as many of us and last years. I will be mainly on 2m and I will use 16 x 8el + gs35b. I can work single yagi and 300W on cw random in good condx - please look for me! From time to time I will qsy to 23cm (I have limited window). It was hard work, but now I am qrv on this band with 3m dish , RA3AQ feed and 150W SSPA at feed. After my first swl in May I hope to test my TX this time. Unfortunatelly my preamp went dead, but my TRV has good NF and is only 4m from feed point.
TRV and SSPA was preapared by my good friend SP9WY.
Does any big gun plan to be on 23cm cw random this weeknd? If yes, be ready for my weak signal;)

See you, Chris SP7DCS

PS. I had reorganization of my shack last months and I did not managed to reconnect 70cm equipment yet... Hope to be back on 70cm in ARRL Contest.


I'll be active on ARI EME CW next weekend. Hope to have a good weather without strong wind and good CONDX.

As a little pistol, I'll look for good signals calling CQ.

Good luck to all.

73 de YO3FFF Cristi KN24ND ANT 5WL, 800W, MGF1302, Spectran.

Hi Graziano,

I think not bad idea to try SSB QSO during the ARI contest. Few months ago I made excellent SSB EME QSO with RN6MT (8xF9FT). Still I am using 4x KLM antennas (20 years old) ................. May be other BIG GUN station will have interest to try?!
73 Marko LZ2US

Hello all,
I will be qrv in the XIV ARI EME contest.I hope to meet old and new stations.I will call cq on 144.045MHz. 73
Graziano IK3MAC
4x19xxx GU78B