IARU Region I. UHF contest 2011 results

Contest station participation per country

I think it would be interesting to see, how many contest participants were from each country. Due to that I made evaluation per country for most penetrated bands 70 and 23cm - look below.

However it is just one angle of view. Lets try to evaluate contest participation country by country from the perspective how many active contest stations from each country were evaluated per one million of inhabitants of that nation. Such evaluation show very well, how the VHF contesting is popular there. I'm very glad to say, that OK, OM and S5 are still on the top of VHF contesting popularity across EU. Compare yourself:

432MHz 1296MHz
Country population call stations per mio
San Marino 0,028 T7 1 35,71
Slovenia 2,049 S5 23 11,22
Czech rep. 10,675 OK 105 9,84
Slovakia 5,422 OM 42 7,75
Croatia 4,491 9A 28 6,23
Germany 82,218 DL 366 4,45
Lithuania 3,601 LY 8 2,22
Luxembourg 0,512 LX 1 1,95
Switzerland 7,301 HB 11 1,51
Serbia 7,498 YU 11 1,47
Austria 8,170 OE 11 1,35
Poland 38,625 SP 46 1,19
Ukraine 45,396 UR 51 1,12
Hungary 10,075 HA 11 1,09
France 63,601 F 65 1,02
Rossia 142,009 UA 140 0,99
Latvia 2,366 YL 2 0,85
Italy 59,715 I 43 0,72
Holland 16,744 PA 10 0,60
Bulgaria 7,621 LZ 3 0,39
Spain 46,777 EA 18 0,38
Romania 22,304 YO 8 0,36
Sweden 9,077 SM 3 0,33
UK 60,587 G 18 0,30
Belgium 10,274 ON 3 0,29
Belarus 10,335 EU 2 0,19
Portugal 10,617 CT 2 0,19
Danmark 5,369 OZ 1 0,19


Country population call


per mio

Czech rep. 10,675 OK 64 6,00
Slovenia 2,049 S5 10 4,88
Slovakia 5,422 OM 16 2,95
Croatia 4,491 9A 11 2,45
Luxembourg 0,512 LX 1 1,95
Germany 82,218 DL 136 1,65
Switzerland 7,301 HB 10 1,37
Austria 8,17 OE 11 1,35
Latvia 2,366 YL 2 0,85
Lithuania 3,601 LY 3 0,83
Hungary 10,075 HA 8 0,79
Poland 38,625 SP 27 0,70
Holland 16,744 PA 11 0,66
Rossia 142,009 UA 81 0,57
Serbia 7,498 YU 4 0,53
Belgium 10,274 ON 5 0,49
France 63,601 F 25 0,39
Romania 22,304 YO 8 0,36
Sweden 9,077 SM 3 0,33
Italy 59,715 I 18 0,30
Spain 46,777 EA 12 0,26
UK 60,587 G 14 0,23
Ukraine 45,396 UR 2 0,04
Portugal 10,617 CT 0 0,00
Belarus 10,335 EU 0 0,00
Bulgaria 7,621 LZ 0 0,00
Danmark 5,369 OZ 0 0,00
San Marino 0,028 T7 0 0,00


73 by OK1VPZ