Info pro ČRK: naše ocenění si za 2.místo v mezinárodním pořadí UHF Contestu převezmeme sami. Nepotřebujeme vás!


Price giving ceremony in Friedrichshafen

The winners of the VHF/UHF/µWave contest 2018 will be honoured during this HAMfest. This is planned on Friday 21st June at 14:30 at the mainstage. All VHF contesters who are there are kindly invited to this ceremony.

The winners will receive an invitation by email. If they are not present and you are and you live in his/her country and you are in the possibility to pass the award to
the winner, your cooperation would be very much appreciated.

Make the necessary arrangements with the organisers.

---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Fred Siegmund <>
Datum: 4. 3. 2019 21:16:25
Předmět: October 18 final results overall: 2nd!

Sektion Rang Call WWL Cross checked score Multiplier-Total-Info Award Print Link
MO 1. DL0GTH JO50JP 1203282 435 MHz 200547
1.3 GHz 200547
2.4 GHz 200547
5.7 GHz 200547
10 GHz 200547
24 GHz 64235
47 GHz 52156
76 GHz 10667
Award Print Link
MO 2. OK2A JO60JJ 776823 435 MHz 167616
1.3 GHz 188832
2.4 GHz 54490
5.7 GHz 117747
10 GHz 178649
24 GHz 36549
47 GHz 16470
Award Print Link
MO 3. DR9A JN48EQ 765405 435 MHz 160167
1.3 GHz 182592
5.7 GHz 126842
10 GHz 124982
24 GHz 94744
47 GHz 15216
76 GHz 15216
Award Print Link