26.9 2009 - The new IARU Region 1. & OK record on 122 GHz - 22,6km


On 26th September was a opportunity to extend 122 GHz record with a contact from Benecko in JO70SQ to Kozakov - JO70PO. In contrast to Sunday 20th September, when the humidity was so high that even direct visibility was impossible, weather was more friendly and QSO was quickly achieved. Signals weren't so laud, just two ways 529, however signals were quite stable without any kind of fading, More details are written below the photos.

We haven't heard about any longer contact on 122 GHz in Europe so we believe it's the new IARU R1. record and new OK of course.

73 Pavel, OK1AIY

Milan, OK1UFL/p on Kozakov hill with his equipment for 122 GHz band. To the right is equipment for 47 GHz which would be used in case of bad visibility and precise beaming calibration.

View from the Kozakov hill to 22,6 km far Krkonose mountains shows that the visibility and therefore the best conditions for 122GHz contact weren't so fine after all ...

The graph contains data for layer from 1050hPa to 500hPa in JO70FA.

Wind significant levels (deg / ms-1) are plotted on the right edge of the plot.
Temperature (red line)
Dew point temperature (blue line)
Dry adiabat (orange line)
Saturation adiabat (green line)
Mixing ratio (yellow line)
VKH( °C, hPa) = Lift condensation level
KKH( °C, hPa) = Convective condensation level
Faust (stability index)  :        <  0   no significant activity
                                from 0 to 3   shower possible
                                           >  3   thunderstorms probable
Tkonv(°C) = Convective temperature - source