VK3UM Libration Calculator.
New .. a first in this format.
·        Predict the time of minimal Libration for you and a Dx Station.
·        Calculations of Libration rates in degrees / minute.
·        Libration signal width (spread) of your Home Station, the Dx Station, and the Dx Station as observed by the Home Station.
·        Calculations relative (selectable) to Amateur frequencies from 432 MHz to 122 GHz.      
·        Spatial off set calculations of the Home to the Home Dx Station and Dx Station to Home Station.      
·        Common Elevation windows between Stations.
·        Doppler calculations for each Station.
·        Calculations for any 24 hour UTC day with a variable hour based adjustable window within that period. (for close data analysis).
·        A Planning Calculator which provides selectable periods of days, months, years and displayed on screen and as printable output option.
·        path loss relative to perigee and provides all data as above.
·        utilisation of the VK3UM Dx Station Data Base to allow the user to choose Home and Dx Locations along with the ability to add their own or other locations as desired.     
·        Graphical displays of all the above options printable in both Colour and Mono.
·        provides real time display of the Moon or Sun position (selectable).
In addition the software provides
  • All Ephemeris Data pertaining to the calculations.
  • Integrated Help  (Please read before asking how to drive it)

You can down load LibCalc (in zip format) from my new web site ..  www.vk3um.com    (along with all my other software).
My sincere appreciation to Peter SM2CEW, Darrell VE1ALQ and the Damien VK3BEZ who have for so long been the source of my software. They will now provide a direct link to my site that will make
things easier for all concerned.. thanks very much guys.

This software was inspired by Charlie Suckling (G3WDG) article in DUBUS 3/2010 and with his help and suggestions it has been the basis of this program. My thanks also go to
Barry VE4MA, Al W5LUA, Dave G4RGK and John VK5DJ who have assisted with the beta testing and provided valuable suggestions for improvement along the way.

The knowledge of when minimum Libration will occur has not previously been readily available to most Amateurs. For those using uW frequencies and applying narrow band techniques, this knowledge will be of considerable assistance in choosing the best times for their operations.

As an example of the software capabilities please view the conditions for  NA paths on 25th November 2010 between 0300-0400z.
Here is your immediate chance to see hear and record the effect of Libration. Charlie would welcome all observations of Libration as the calculation of mutual spreading is perhaps slightly crude (linear approximations of what
is really spherical). [his words]. All observations will be most helpful in this regard.

I look forward to your comments and suggestions.
Enjoy and use it to explore new frontiers of EME.
Doug VK3UM

Tikaluna, Australia
Monday, 15.11.2010