------------ Původní zpráva ------------
Od: Piotr SPQAT
Předmět: RE: Preliminary IARU UHF/SHF 2009 Contest Results


I knew that it will come up. I can see that other contest managers accept this as a wrong reception problem.

I use the VHF Manager Handbook for all the rules. One of the entry there is:

"Minimum Requirement for a valid QSO

A definition for a valid QSO on VHF and on higher bands is:

- A valid contact is one where both operators during the contact have

(1) mutually identified each other
(2) received a report, and
(3) received a confirmation of the successful identification and the reception of the report. It is emphasized that the responsibility always lies with the operator for the integrity of the contact."

The first point tells that operators have to mutually identified each other and point 3 receive confirmation of the successful identification. If this basic requirement is not met than QSO is invalid so should not count for points. Let's take another example which I find useful here. We made a QSO on 23 cm and you write it to the log correctly as SP5QAT but I made a mistake and write your call as OH1TEH. Now you send me the QSL card. I will reply NOT IN LOG.

Correct? In real life it may look different but this is a contest. This is my interpretation of rules. This is what I wrote in my previous email - Contest Rules covers only 5% of rules necessary for common and exactly the same contest evaluation by all managers.

Let me know your opinion on that.



------------ Původní zpráva ------------
Od: Piotr SPQAT
Předmět: RE: Preliminary IARU UHF/SHF 2009 Contest Results


Vedel jsem, ze to prijde. Vidim, ze ostatni VKV manazeri to berou jako problem chybneho prijmu.

Ja pro vsechna rozhodovani pouzivam VHF Manager Handbook. Jeden z clanku zni takto:

"Minimalni pozadavky pro platnost spojeni

Definice platnosti QSO na VKV a vyssich pasmech je tato:

- Za platne spojeni se povazuje to, kde oba operatori behem spojeni musi:

(1) vzajemne rozpoznat jeden druheho
(2) prijmout report a
(3) prijmout potvrzeni uspesne identifikace a prijmu reportu. Pritom se dava duraz na to, ze odpovednost za to, ze spojeni bylo poctive, lezi na operatorovi."

Ten prvni bod rika, ze operatori se musi vzajemne rozpoznat a bod 3, ze musi vzajemne prijmout potvrzeni, ze tomu tak je. Pokud tedy tento zakladni pozadavek neni splnen, potom je QSO neplatne a nemohou za nej byt zapocteny body. Pojdme vzit jiny priklad, ktery povazuji za uzitecny. Udelali jsme spolu QSO na 23cm a ty jsi do logu zapsal spravne SP5QAT, ale ja jsem udelal chybu a zapsal jsem tvou znacku jako OH1TEH. Nyni mi posilas QSL a ja odpovim, ze tva znacka NENI V MEM DENIKU.

Je to tak? V realnem zivote to mozna vypada jinak, ale tohle je zavod. To je ma interpretace toho pravidla. To je to, co jsem napsal v mem predchozim emailu - oficialni pravidla (VKV) zavodu pokryvaji jen okolo 5% pravidel, potrebnych pro spolecne a presne stejne vyhodnoceni zavodu kterymkoli z (VHF) manazeru.

Dej mi vedet, jaky na to mas nazor.


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