144 MHz
QSOs worked by OK1TEH on 2 m (all FSK441). 
Mode: FSK441
Loc: JO70FD
QTH: Prague 320 m.a.s.l.           

Equipment: 	FT847
		PA 850W
Ant: 		10el dk7zb 6m long (gain 13.15 dB)

qrb was based on Ellipsoid of 1924
Date  Year | UTC  |  QRG  | Call     | RST |  Rcvd      | km | Shower    |    QSL |  Comment
19.07.2007  08:39  144.377  YL/DL1RNW  26   R26  KO46AK  1142  Perseids            #470  0803-0839 CR
19.07.2007  09:10  144.380  F6BEG/P    26   R27  JN15VQ   938  Perseids            #473  0850-0910 CS
19.07.2007  09:52  144.360  YL3GDR    R26    26  KO26HT  1001  Perseids                  0942-0952 CS
07.08.2007  23:27  144.356  RV6YY     R26    26  LN04AO  2017  Perseids            #474  2248-2327 CS
08.08.2007  00:07  144.357  UU1AZ     R26    26  KN85FI  1727  Perseids            #475  2352-0007 CS
08.08.2007  20:21  144.375  RX3AA/3    26   R26  KO65SE  1403  Perseids            #476  1954-2001 CR
08.08.2007  22:07  144.370  US0GB      26   R27  KN67UA  1458  Perseids            #477  2056-2207 CR
09.08.2007  09:09  144.370  YO5TP      26   R26  KN16SS   769  Perseids                  0846-0909 CS
10.08.2007  07:36  144.355  RK3QWM     26   R26  KN99XX  1818  Perseids            #478  0716-0736 CR
10.08.2007  09:38  144.393  LA/PA5DD   26   R26  JP55UB  1669  Perseids            #479  0924-0938 CR
10.08.2007  14:42  144.353  LZ2BB/2    37   R27  KN43AG  1287  Perseids            #480  1438-1442 CR
11.08.2007  00:09  144.370  IK5JWQ     26   R26  JN52NS   859  Perseids            #481  2330-0009 CR
11.08.2007  09:16  144.347  RX3AGD/3   26   R27  KO74GU  1455  Perseids            #482  0902-0916 CR
11.08.2007  09:27  144.382  YO5KAI/P   57    55  KN15SI   864  Perseids TR/MS      #483       0927 CR
12.08.2007  03:00  144.370  IT9RYJ     26   R27  JM77MN  1399  Perseids            #484  0213-0300 CR
12.08.2007  11:45  144.353  OH8K       26   R26  KP57AQ  2136  Perseids            #485  1012-1145 CR
12.08.2007  19:09  144.346  EA4CIE    R26    26  IM79XU  1845  Perseids            #486  1813-1909 CS
13.08.2007  01:59  144.353  OH7MA      26   R26  KP52BN  1679  Perseids            #487  0148-0159 CS
13.08.2007  04:45  144.363  EA3BB/5    36   R27  JN00AI  1565  Perseids            #488  0437-0445 CR
13.08.2007  21:23  144.377  EW8RR      26   R26  KO41OV  1052  Perseids            #489  2023-2123 CR
13.08.2007  22:53  144.337  G0ISW      26   R37  IO84OQ  1274  Perseids            #490  2150-2253 CS
15.08.2007  23:22  144.362  UT1HZM     36   R36  KN69RA  1377  Perseids            #491  2215-2322 CS
16.08.2007  00:18  144.358  SK2AT      26   R27  KP04NP  1662  Perseids                  0004-0018 CS
16.08.2007  00:43  144.365  4O/YZ1EW   26   R26  JN92PL   930  Perseids                  0037-0043 CR
17.08.2007  07:26  144.347  SM/DJ8MS   36   R27  JP94PQ  1644  Perseids            #492  0704-0726 CR
17.08.2007  15:54  144.358  LA/DG1BHA  36   R27  JO37MX   997  Perseids            #493  1532-1554 CR

The shower peek was earlier then was expected - at 22 UTC on 12th August


10.08.07 The big burst from RK3QWM's expedition to KN99XX 1818km during our qso


10.08.07 The big burst from RK3QWM KN99XX 1818km during our qso - 2nd picture


11.08.07 Big bursts from EA1FBF IN73WJ 1600km, QTF 180


12.08.07 The big burst from RN4AT LN29LA  2195km during our test. Any more UA4 stations for future sked?


13.08.07 The big burst from EA3BB/5 JN00AI 1565km before our qso


17.08.07 The 4 days after shower peek -  burst from LA/DJ8MS JP94PQ 1644km


432 MHz

QSOs worked by OK1TEH on 70 cm. 
Mode: FSK441
Loc: JO70FD
QTH: Prague 320 m.a.s.l.           

Equipment: 	FT847 + preamp 0,4dB nf
		PA GS31B 250W (on WSJT)
Ant: 		23el DK7ZB 6m BOOM

Date  Year | UTC  |  QRG  | Call     | RST |  Rcvd      | km | Shower    |    QSL |  Comment
13.08.2007  03:49  432.365  UT5JCW     R26   26  KN64SN  1565  Perseids             #112  0240-0349

Perseids     2007: SM2ILF 40ms (SM2ILF wkd OK1DFC), SK2AT nil, EB5EEO nil, RZ3AED nil, GW8ASA nil (he hrd me)
It was very fine contact. Serge hrd me FB however we made it after our 2nd test. When he got from me 20dB burst,
he was so excited, so he start running with his GS35 PA on full power. As the the result was damaged tube & PA.
The question was, should we continue? Of course, so he run on the roof and put on his small driver PA from
Mirage with 100W output. And at last, I got "034900 10.6  160  1 26 50 R RRRRR", so contact was completed. 
Any conclusion from the test? 70cm MS is very depended on precise frequency of your TRX. S50C, OK2POI 
and UT5JCW were ok on 432.370,100 (100Hz above +-) however SM2ILF, SM2CEW and SK2AT on 432.199.400 more then 
600Hz below the sked QRG. Is it due to some bad reference?

73 de Matej, OK1TEH

Some words about 1st 70cm MS tests from Chris, GW4DGU:

...I agree with you about MS ops not being patient. In the 1970s, as G4DGU, I ran
many 6hour skeds trying to make a complete QSO on 432. Despite having 1kW, a
very good single loop yagi antenna and one of the first GaASFET preamplifiers
in Europe I failed to do it, although I was heard and heard other people many
times. I didn't make my first complete 432MS QSOs until I came back on the
air 2003. 

-> Chris, do you have any idea about the 1st 70cm MS QSO ever?

In the 70's I did a lot of tests with Karl, SM3AKW. I think the first 432MS
QSO from these islands was an expedition station which included my friend
G4VVZ/G4ZAP to EI (IO61!) in about 1982. I now think that was probably
aircraft scatter, as it was only just over 1000km...

...The longest burst I've ever heard on 432 was from SM3AKW and was 35s! When I
worked Karl in 2004 on HSCW we had several bursts <10s!

mni tnx Chris & cu in Geminids!
73 Matej, OK1TEH

UT5JCW and his screen during our qso, chcek the 20dB BURST!!! + + +

The view to my screen before our 1st 70cm test with UT5JCW, QRM/QRN level was "low"..

UT5JCW - antenna for 70cm - 4x 28el M2 ->                              OK1TEH - antenna for 70cm - 23el DK7ZB - QTF 110