>From Saturday May 9th till Friday May 22nd 2015, PA3CEE, DL2NUD and PE1L will be active as 7Q7EME. The locator is KH77ap. We are glad Hermann will join us again, so even 13cm and 9 cm will be activated from Malawi! We found an excellent place to stay on the beach of lake Malawi. There are trees, we hope they will not effect our moonwindows too much. The 144 MHz and 432 MHz setup have been improved, licence aranged, fine-tuned and tested, Tickets are bought, Accommodation is paid for the first half, Transport of luggage has been arranged, medication for malaria bought etc, so everything is on schedule. We have on 144 MHz the same equipment as when we where operating as 6W/PE1L, 9G5EME, 5X1EME and C56EME. Proven quality! On 432 we will use a 23 el yagi and more power than last years, on 1296 and higher we have a 1.5 meter dish. If we can manage internet we will be on N0UK logger and HB9Q logger for last minute freq. change etc. In the next mail we will give the timeslots for each band. Welcome to our website! http://www.emelogger.com/malawi But there is more than only radio. As always supporting local activities and education is one of our goals during our visit. As possible we want to contribute and sponsor as much as we can. As you know Atleticoteam (Rene and Eltje) always share with the locals and we know Hermann has the same opinion in stimulating the local economy. Offcourse we will share this with you via our daily updates, email, blog, photos and videos Doing EME in Africa is not cheap. There are big costs. (donations are more than welcome, despite this is the poorest country in Africa this will be our most expensive expedition, without support its not possible to do this trip): http://www.emelogger.com/malawi/sponsor.asp 73 Eltje PA3CEE, Hermann DL2NUD and Rene PE1L