Updated VUSHF DX-pedition www.rudius.net/dxp/index.php?id=594 Period : 2014-04-26 to 2014-05-03 Call : GS3PYE/P Square(s): IO68 DXCC(s) : GM Band(s) : 50 MHz 70 MHz 144 MHz Microwave Prop.(s) : EME MS Satellite Camb-Hams will be operating GS3PYE/P from the Isle of Lewis (EU-010) 26 April - 3 May 2014 The Camb-Hams have been activating the Scottish Isles each year since 2008 and will be travelling to the Isle of Lewis in the Scottish Outer Hebrides in 2014. Thirteen operators will be active on all bands and many modes from 4m to 80m, 2m & 70cm for Satellites and 23cm for EME. The HF bands will be covered by five simultaneous stations, while the 6m & 4m stations will have a great take-off towards the UK and Europe from the island’s northern tip in IO68 square. 2m and 23cm EME will be available with a portable Yagi system, mainly focussed on JT modes. 2m and 70cm will be available for satellite operations. Contest operations will take place in the RSGB 70MHz UKAC on 29 April. The group will be active on the major social networks before, during and after the trip. You can check on progress or interact with the operators via their blog at dx.camb-hams.com or through Twitter, Facebook and YouTube [links below]. Please email skeds-2014@camb-hams.com to arrange skeds on the more challenging bands and modes. VHF and EME skeds will also be made via ON4KST and N0UK’s EME Chat. All links are available via dx.camb-hams.com dx.camb-hams.com
 youtube.com/CambHams Steve, M1ACB, http://dx.camb-hams.com