[Moon-net] AMATEUR RADIO PROPAGATION STUDIES Od: Volker (DF5AI) [+ do adresáře] Předmět: [Moon-net] AMATEUR RADIO PROPAGATION STUDIES Datum: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 21:13:49 +0100 Komu: moon-net@list-serv.davidv.net [+] Dear fellow hams, please find the latest update of the DF5AI.NET web site featuring USING SATELLITE IMAGES IN SPORADIC E ANALYSES In 2003 we have speculated about the generation of double hop dx propagation by reflection of radiowaves on the surface of major rivers and lakes. Having analysed 128 double hop events in 2006, we have obtained new results closing the case that was opened three years ago. THUNDERSTORM EFFECTS ON SPORADIC E The "Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM)" satellite shows a strong correlation between the ice content of clouds and the clouds' flash density. This results may have some importance on the prediction of sporadic E band openings. Actual storm forecasts may be obtained from a new internet service, i.e. the "European Storm Forecast Experiment (estofex)". SCIENCE COMMUNITY ACKNOWLEDGES AMATEUR RADIO PROPAGATION STUDIES The German section of U.R.S.I. (Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale) draws the scientists' interest on ham radio propagation studies. HAM LINKS, SCIENCE LINKS, MONITOR WALLPAPERS, RADIO PROPAGATION ARTICLES, SOFTWARE REVIEWS etc. etc. vy 73, Volker (DF5AI) http://www.df5ai.net