
Dear EME-friends,

Now that we have the presentation of the SLRC-chairman Barry/G4SJH put online on our website, we can all learn about the facts and figures.

The presentation can be found here:


There is a lot that can be said and speculated about, but let?s keep our mind cool and focused on solutions.

And this is where we need our community (e.g. you! But also, the other users of 23cm?) and let me try to summarize some important guidelines and facts:

* We must do the utmost, to safe 23 cm for the amateur-radio-service. But please refrain from wild actions on social media or reflectors like here on Moonnet etc. It can only harm us if we don?t choose the right path of diplomacy!

* Some may think that we all have been sleeping whilst the situation run out of hand. And yes, Galileo has been there for many many years, but it never caused us any problem. Until recently we therefore lived in peaceful cooperation, till an incident happened with interference from a ham-radio service on a ground station of Galileo and after that Pandora?s box opened?

* This issue involves the EME-community, but not only that. So we (IARU that is) will have to involve all users in an attempt to find solutions.

* One of the solutions we are now focusing upon, is to present an alternative bandplan at WRC23, to show our willingness and positive approach. And yes, this might mean we have to move the ?high power segment? to the upper edge of the allocation.

Such bandplan is now the top priority for the IARU and as Bob KA1GT rightfully said this is a global issue, so it concerns all Region?s. The worldwide board of IARU is therefore involved (and present here at Hamradio in Friedrichshafen Germany) and is calling for a worldwide approach.

* We agreed upon, to create a taskforce to develop the alternative bandplan. We will soon make clear of whom will be part of the taskforce.

Finally, I can tell you that Zdenek OK1DFC, Barry G4SJH and me (also all present here at Ham-Radio in Friedrichshafen Germany) arranged for it that Barry can present the situation during EME2022 in Prague. We can then make our first steps forwards solving this very challenging issue!

Best to all,


DW Harms (Dick)


VHF+ Manager Commission C5


I have been watching the whole issue for many years and I would have few words to it:

  •  The radio amateur service in the 23cm band were exclusively allocated many years ago. Who and when in IARU (or ARRL) decided to continue to be a secondary service? Can ITU submit such consent?

  •  Moving of narrowband types of operation to the 1299MHz segment must be the next step after termination of all broadband radio amateur operations in the band

  •  We should consider that the end of the operation of all unmanned radio amateur transmition outside the segment of 1298 to 1300MHz, including de facto stop of unmanned FT8 transmit. Or limit any unmanned device power to 1W RFor so.

  •  We shall consider that the potential interference of navigation receivers is usually less critical in practice than the measurements presented by Barry G4SJH. Narrow interference, albeit of the same power level as broadband data, does not cause its interruption, but only a higher error rate and because the radio amateurs in their communication will do always a longer gap at the transmission (due to RX), the interference disappears and the data are then loaded correctly. Thus, satellite navigation will be not interrupted by sharing of radio amateur signals, but only it may create some possible delay.

  •  The 100W power level, which are now counts for radio amateur broadcasting, is as insufficient, all who run EME and similar types of DX operation knows it well. The negotiations could therefore monitor the performance restrictions over time - for example, the average (mean) level of radio amateur transmission in any minute period must not exceed the 100W. This is closely related to the potential interference of data transfer, listed in the previous point. The power level EME transmitters using a parabolic mirror as an antenna should not be subject to power restriction if the antenna is used in elevation higher than 30 degrees above the horizon.

Thanks for reading

Vlada OK1VPZ