NEWS              Translation from Czech.  Archive: 20122011,  2010,  2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 & 2000

We wish to all readers of OK2KKW's web during 2013 year good health, happiness, success & no contest QRM!

OK1TEH wkd first 4m QSO OK-HA. Who will be OM? Old 70cm PA OM3PV. Sideband noise K3 and QRM.

On 30.12 became in HA effective new frequency table which gave for amateur radio right deplete the 70MHz band.

Since Jan.15 would be active on 4m Macedonia (Z3). Z31MA pics. 4m DX-cluster activated SW filter against 40m.

Tesla VÚST & OK1KRC remembrance. DJ6BU & OK2OP SK. SPANFI by OK1UGA. HW web & Tesla catalogue.

OK1TEH completed one of his ham radio achievements. Preparation of DX-pedition 5W0. Keep in mind copyright!

Audio RF clipper by OM3WZM & his other HW projects.  One presentation from Dorsten DL-GHz tagung articles.

How to operate safely together with transverter, or LNA, "single output" VHF transceiver. 70cm EME NewsLetter.

Don't forget meet your friends in traditional OK Christmas Contest on 2m. And try as well as some VHF DX QSO.

Amateur radio at 10GHz has lost future in OK. CTU authority finally allocated 10368MHz for free commercial use

How it is with PWR declaration in VHF Contests results. OK1CJH has made 3cm horn antenna. DL GHz Tagung.

Next IARU VHF managers meeting will be in April, proposals are asked till 20.January. Will CRC be silent again?

Results of MMC in OM.  What made OK2PMS via MS within Geminids.  Web news: OK1KFX, OK1CS, OK2HRL.

OK1AIY released report from VHF meeting in Zieleniec. OK1CDJ sent us (tnx!) scan of long time missed awards.

70MHz web portal in SP. OK1TEH's logs from Geminids: 4m, 2m, 70cm.  OK2ZI sent award from Field day. Tnx!

First MS QSO of OK1DQT, congrats! ARRL EME Contest by OK2ULQ. DL's MMC 2012 results. Piscids shower?

Geminids 2012 photo, the shower would have the peak in noght to Friday 14.12. OK1GTH's novelties. Nice photo.

Yaesu transceivers manualsWho lies in CRC  - info from OK1CJB's web. More.  I hope, it will be not tuck away.

Nice article about Geminids meteoritic shower, actual condx check here, here. How to start with 2m MS (WSJT).

Final Czech results of UHF/SHF Contest 2012. Preliminary results of MMC in OM and revised rules of evaluation.

For June 2013 OH6ZZ annonced 2m MS expedition OJ0C.  On Geminids would be from Africa QRV 2m IH9YMC.

French final results of UHF Contest 2012, we won on 70/23 and 3cm. Pictures from renovation of Dwingeloo dish.

DF2ZC released new EME NewsLetter for 144MHz band. New website with extension for web

Large OK1AIY's article abt. story of the first OK - OE QSO on 122GHz. Christmas gift? Geminids are here. More.

OK1TEH released his last EME Window for our web. Up-to-date: EW3AA QRV MS. ZL4PLM's EME aerial crash.

Video PC5M @ MMC. Design of this web celebrates 10 years. Webmaster today.  Scandinavian VHF convention.

New family of LDMOS transistors. 300W CW on 1GHz from single chip. Samoa 5W0 would be QRV EME on 2m.

Geminids would be opportunity for DXs on 2m and 4m. MS activation of LO19 square. OK-VHF Toplist (not EME).

Compare former and present solar cycle.  News on OK2PMS and OK1CS webs. Memorial of first OK EME QSO.

Few pics from Ústí/L meeting. During tropo condx were seen Alps in OK. On-line tropo condx forecast by F5LEN.

Preliminary final OK results of UHF Contest 2012, error logs here. After wrong evaluation of 2011 we were abroad.

70MHz trip to JO82. Dishes production by DG0CN. Video from MMC 2012: HA5UA, DH5YM, F6ETI and IW0CAT.

Written 10 years ago.  PA by OK1GTH & next tech.articles. What you can to do on 3cm from home Brno, Praha.

This weekend will be next run of ARRL EME Contest. Update record in VHFToplist. OK2KDJ's session. Light PA.

Al K2UYH released EME NewsLetter for 432MHz & up.  QSL card CFM first 24 GHz QSO between OK and Italy.

Tropo 14-16.11.2012 by OK1TEH, OK1ES +map, OK1MAC, OK1GTH, OK1DOL, OK2BFH, HB9HLM, ON4KHG.

Tropo 14-16.11.2012 by OK1FD, OK1DQT, OK1ZHS, OE5VRL. MMC 2012 by: DL5YWM, DK8RE, F/OM3WFC.

Results of UHF Contest in DL, OM, IK. Noise figure measurement. Photos from meeting in Tatry 2012: 1, 2, 3, 4.

How to make a coils for your VHF equipment. Javorník transverter by S53WW now use quarz IF filters as well as.

Why participants from OK don't use IARU's international evaluation?  Statistics from the VHF Contest evaluation.

OK2KKW's delayed report from MMC 2012. Next achievements of OK1KIR. Since 20.11 has John GM4LBV SK.

Support PLC petition! Tropo by: OK1NWD, DK5EW.  OK1AKF SK. Meeting in KN09. 4m modul for K3. 3m dish.

Loud OK1MAC on 23cm by F5HRY. WSJT-X a JT9? OH5LID's 70MHz Dx-ped. Spectrum analyzers are cheaper.

DX spots of our OK0EP beacon. Czech ministry plans novelization of Ham radio act. Be ready to have proposals.

Tropo report from 14-16.11 & OK1TEH's log. On 16.11 was G7RAU in Prague stil booming. Duct height forecast.

Good tropo condx observed from OK/OM to F/G,  even from Prague, in next days condx will turn to North - West.

We got CTU information about 70 MHz special approval, which will be extended for 2013. More details read here.

MMC 2012 by: OM6A, OL4A, OL2J.  New 1W PA by OK2UKG for 9cm band. On Tuesday will be NAC on 70cm.

In second half of this week expect nice thermal inversion weather & tropo condx. On-line weather on mountanins.

MMC 2012: OK5T, OK2M.  Don't forget send MMC contest log here, or directly to organizer of jubilee 40th.MMC.

Design of 23cm driver. 1296 MHz transverter from VKSM7LCB's QSO maps are available now on SK3W's web.

ARRL EME Contest 2012 by: OK2POI, OK2ULQ, OK1DFC, OK1CA. 2m QRPP TR QSO 776km by 2W and GP.

New submition to CTU in the issue of 10GHz commercial allocation which damage hamradio. Please support us!

DF2ZC released new EME NewsLetter for 144MHz band. Web page of NZ5N alias OM3BD. VHF DXpedition E51.

CTU response to OK2KKW's submition at 10GHz Commercial General licence. Leonids MS shower is comming.

MMC 2012 by: OL3Y, OL7C, OK5K, OK1RIG, S50C, S57UN. Northern Bohemia meeting will be held on 1.12.12.

15 years old TV broadcast abt. ham radio in OK (original has 615MB). MMC 2012 by: OK1KFH, OL4N & YT7WE.

Movie of F6DKW's 3cm TR signal how it was recorded on 915km by Jan, OK1MAC. MMC 2012 by S57C + mov.

PWM controller for cooling fan of the SSPA. VHF Contesting by: US Big guns. MMC 2012 by: OM6W, I5PVA/6.

MMC 2012 by: OK1FHI, OK1OPT (pic), OL7Q, OL6A, OM3R, 9A4QV, 7S7V. First 23cm QSO OK - TI, congrats.

MMC 2012 by: OK2C, OK1ZHS, OL7C ( webcam) and S51ZO. Claimed scores in: 9A, S5, OK, OM, G IARU.

OK1EM made beacon with OK2UKG PLL. On 15.11 will start 4m MS Expedition OH5LID KP03 / 12, read more.

Final IARU VHF Contest 2012 OK resultsOK2M beaten OL4A due to lower error rate!   Congrats to all winners!

October tropo condx by F5LEN. More. Which transceiver? VHF HW pics RA3WME. SWR measurment bridges.

Leave your announce about participation in 2m Marconi Memorial Contest.  Weather forecast for contest in JO60.

Tropo 21-24.10.2012 by: OK1MAC, OK1GTH, HA8MV/P, DK5EW. UHF Contest 12 by OL4K. NAC by SK7MW.

Don't forget to ARRL EME contest 2012. 9Z4BM is preparing for 2m EME with 4x9el.Y, some pictures are online.

Czech Academy of Science closed MS trails observation.  Popular device MRFE6VP61k25H has new datasheet.

In SP has launched new 10GHz beacon. Check it during RS. Abt. MS Dx-ped to KO32, KO42. MS in November.

Al K2UYH released EME NewsLetter for 70cm and up.  TCXO DF9LN by OK1CJH.  EME news on ZL4PLM web.

Development in the PLL area is running forward: few links 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of N-fractional PLL. FTDX-3000 transceiver.

ZL EME Dx-pedition YU7AA.  3cm QRO tranzistor (70W!). Rotator controller from EA. Autumn meeting Frenštát.

Tropo 21-24.10 : OK2BFH, OK2WO, OK2PM, OK6TW, OK2POI, OE5VRL/5.  QSL card for new 3cm ODX QSO.

QRP EME QSO - OK1KIR. Declared results of UHF-C. List of National OK Contests achievements has updated.

Tropo 21-24.10.2012 by: OK1TEH (log), OK1ZHS, OK1DOL, PA3C, S51ZO, OM3PV. UHF Contest by DL0GTH.

Draft of final VHF Contest results in OK. OK2M presumably won again. Compare present & 10 years ago results.

Tropo report OK1DQT. On Monday night check the tropo opening from OK to F, PA.  Updated beacon list UKµG.

UHF Contest 2012: IK4WKU/6, F6KQV/P. VHF Contest 2012 Italian results. 3cm tropo DXs DL6NAA: 1, 2, 3, 4.

After half year were in our shack measured few beacons exact frequencies. OK0EL on 2m & 23cm is QRV again.

More pics from Klínovec on 19.10 by OK1GTH. TR report: EU4AG, 9A2SB. On line view from Milešovka JO60XN.

Tropo condx by OK7RA & OK1ZHS. QSL for maybe first 70cm tropo QSO OK - EA. What wkd OK1KIR via EME.

Nice thermal inversion open tropo condx to Northeast. Good condx will support OK activity Contest YT3I is SK.

Be ready for very good tropo DX condx. Do you have South America on 70cm? Use your ordinary tropo gear now!

How the "single" erects antenna. More. Italian "half horse" 23cm PA. Do you know, how to install RF connector?

ČTÚ publish draft of radio spectrum use in the 3cm area. Video: 10GHz 833km QSO. Microwave W6's "test day".

IARU VHF Contest results in OM, DL & SP. OK1KIR announced new OK DX Record on 10GHz, QRB 16385 km.

UHF Contest by OK2KKW, this year as TM2W. Slovak TV interference story. One of more OL3Z 70cm QRO PA.

UHF Contest 2012 by OK2M (pic). Final results of the Alpe Adria Contest 2012 UHF & VHF. 9A4QV's SHF Web.

UHF Contest 2012 by: OM6A, OK1XFJ and French stations. Check this weekend good TR condx: OK -> UA,LY?

UHF Contest 2012 by:OM3RRC (pic), OL9W, OK1KUO (pic), OK1VEI, OK1CJH, OK2KYZ, OK2KYK, F6KUP/P.

Next weekend check MS opportunity. More. Galileo, which would be potential 23cm threat, has 2 new satellites.

UHF Contest by:  OK5K, OK2STV, HA5KDQ, S57M. Laser QSO via satellite by OM1LD. MS shower Draconids.

UHF Contest 2012: OK1KHI, OK5Z, G3XDY, IQ1KW, SV2DCD, S51ZO, S50C, S52W, S53WW, F5KDK, SN5R.

Spots sent by OK-OL-OM stations on ON4KST chat during IARU UHF/SHF Contest 2012: 70cm, 23cm and up.

UHF Contest 2012: OL4A, OL7Q, OK1KJV, OK2PMS, OK2IMH, F4EEJ, S57C, HA8V, DR5T, DQ7A, SM7LCB.

Al K2UYH released EME NewsLetter for 70cm & above bands. Claimed results of UHF Contest 2012 in Europe.

First 23cm contact OK --> GU was achieved by OK1KIR, congrats!  24 GHz beacon OK0EW is temporary QRT.

UHF Contest 2012 by: OK2C, OK1OPT, OK1EM, OK1UFF, 9A1CBM and DR4M. OM6AA's ring feed at 9A4QV.

UHF Contest 2012 by: OK1NWD, OK1JKT, OK1KFH, OK1VM. Claimed scores in: 9A, S5, OK, OM, PA and G.

OK2KKW club will participate in the IARU UHF Contest as TM2W from JN37NV 1300m ASL (70/23/3cm). More.

OK1TEH released 2m EME window written for Radiožurnál. Microwave check day OK1EM. EME page VK5APN.

First 23cm QSO OK - SV9 has completed by OK1KIR. Congrats!  300W SSPA design for 144 MHz by OK1GTH.

New kilowatt 144MHz transistor MRF6VP11KH, cheap replacement of popular MRFE6VP61K25H, or BLF578XR.

The next IARU conference will be held on April 2013. Contest portal IARU speaks Czech. Send as well your logs!

Ukrainian hams want to get back ordinary 23, 13, 6 & 3cm bands to be able participate legally in IARU contests.

About mixers: 1, 2, 3, 4. Last update of SW tool EME Calc by VK3UMIntegrated 10GHz Power amplifier 22W.

What was written abt. VHF ham radio 50 years ago & present operation. Swedish amateur radio lost 13cm band.

Transequatorial propagation on 4m is getting better (ZS6 was hrd in JN58).  Full analysis of OL7C's result in July.

Leave your announce about participation in IARU UHF/SHF Contest 2012.  Weather forecast for contest in JO60.

ARRL will not count Z6 for any entity for DXCC awards despite of the participation of the IARU president at Z60K.

ZL4PLM is finishing his new 7,5m dish for 70/23cm EME. 29th September - the day of SHF meeting in Frenstat.

Crisis of CRK today and 11 years earlier. 70 MHz TEP is back again, check out first ever 4m QSO EA6 <->ZS6.

DL claimed results of VHF Contest 2012. ARI CW EME Contest 2012 on 29/30th September. GJ EME pedition.

OK1CJB's Open letter to ČRK. Russian antennas for sale. VHF Contest by OK5T. 2m PA - 300W. Cheap 13cm?

Final results of classic REF/Dubus EME contest 2012. Well known pioneer of EME VK3ATN became silent key.

2m repeater OK0E on Klinovec has problem with QRM on 144,3 MHz, problem should be solved until Wed. 26.9.

Find out the attitude of the other amateur radio organizations to contest contact with unlicensed (pirate) stations.

The final results of OK Field day contest 2012, in OK2ZI's comment you can read that CRK will supports pirates.

OK1DIX released new version (6.34) of contest log VUSC 4 WIN. More here. FB tropo report of EA2TO/1 IN83FD.

New UK tropo DX record on 3cm: GM3USI wkd on 15.9 F2CT, QRB 1429km!  G4BAO's presentation - PA 13cm.

F1FIH and his 10GHz. June microwave DX-ped. C37SHF in pictures. Delayed video - July Field day by OM3RRC.

Well known Bryn G4DEZ SK. Review of QRP DX efforts one year after (by OK1ZHS). New FunCube Pro+ launch.

VHF Contest 2012 by: DL0GTH, IK4WKU/6, LX/PA1TK/p, OL4K, PA6NL and F6KQV/P. OK0EI temporarily QRT.

On 16.9 has opened again tropo condx from OK to EA, OK1TEH made nice 70cm QSO with EA2TO/1 (1575km).

Claimed scores in OK VHF Contest. Power modules ITB in OM. QRM in VHF Contest - tell us your own opinion?

DF2ZC released new EME NewsLetter for 144MHz band. More pics from Polish VHF meeting held on OK border.

Interesting DX report of OE5VRL/5 from 7 - 10.Sept., tnx Rudi. New OK 50 MHz EME DX record QRB 18206 km!

Final results of the July VHF Contest in OM. Next rules update for commercial operation on 3cm. We'll oppose it.

VHF Contest 2012 by: OM6A (2), OM3KDX (pic), SP3PKA and, claimed French results. LFA Yagi design article.

VHF PA modules ITB on the e-shop  QRP Contest note by evaluator of the Summer OK QRP Contest.

VHF Contest 2012 by: OL4A, OK1OPT, OK1VEI, OK2PYA, DM7A, F1DLW/P. Transverter for 9cm by OK2UKG.

Tropo on Saturday eve utilized by Karel OK1JKT for nice 3cm DX G4KUX IO94 (1128km). 6m EME DX-ped. E6M.

Al K2UYH released EME NewsLetter for 70cm & above bands. CRC business dispute - Open Letter by OK1SQK.

Arrogant manners of CRC comrades.  Unvalid QSOs of July Contest. VHF Contest: SN5R, video UR7D, SP7PKI.

Tr condx will open again on Saturday evening (OK to G).  Actual "home" tropo log: OK1TEH, OK1ZHS, OK1ADT.

VHF Contest 2012: OL3Y, 5P5T + pic, OK1KOB, DQ7A, SN5R, OM3KDX & map, video F4CWN, 9A4M & S50C.

On 7.09 after midnight was our OK0EP beacon in UK 599+. And as well as OK0EB & SR6UHC, but not so loud.

Tropo condx are open to F/G/EI, this is record of G4LOH in JO70, QRB 1403km. OK1JKT made on 3cm G4EAT.

VHF Contest 2012: OK5K, OK2M, HB9HLM.  Delayed from July 2012: OK2M contest report & new video OM6A.

FB tropo opening from OK to F / G may observe in the evening on 6th September, DF0HF is already making DXs.

VHF Contest 2012 at: OL9W, OK5Z, OL7C, OL4N, OL7Q, OK1KFH, OK1FHI, OK2KYZ, HA8V + S59DEM (pic).

VHF Contest 2012 at: HB9EI (pic: 1, 2, 3), 9A2L used 16x11LFA, DR5T, S51ZO, S59R, S50C, 9A4QV, + S52B.

Old Klinovec's tower demolition. Your EDI log from VHF Contest upload as well into IARU international evaluation.


VHF Contest 2011 at: OK1ZHS, OE7DBH, claimed scores in: 9A, OK, OM, G, S5. Possible tropo condx to UK?

VHF Contest is gone. In OK would win OL4A, followed by OK2M, the third will be one from OL9W, OL7M, OK5Z.

On 31.8.1952 has made first 23cm QSO in OK  (OK1KW & OK1VR). DK7ZB and G0KSC abt LFA ant. invention.

On 30.8 is just 100 years since birthday of OK1KW, VHF OM who open 23cm in OK. We work on his biography.

Preliminary results of July VHF in OM. Moon details. OKDXF foundation & HF OK TOP-list maybe will disappear.

Check your result in IARU evaluation of July VHF Contest. Web page of IARU evaluation will be in Czech as well.

Preliminary national results of the July Field day Contest. Short MS & EME operation of OM3KDX from KN19 loc.

OK1DIX released for present contest season new version (6.33) of the free of charge log VUSC 4 WIN. More here.

Leave your announce abt. participation in the IARU R.1 VHF Contest 2012.  Weather forecast for Contest is here.

First 3cm QSO OK - YO has completed in July Contest. Congrats!  New Polish 4m beacon SP3PMA/B (JO92df).

Perseidy 2012, MS reports by OK1TEH, OK1UGA, OK2PMS, OK2POI, S50C, RA3WDK + reports from UA, S5.

Final results of Summer QRP contest. Czech discussion about illegal power in contest... Expedition 4O/IV3GTH.

Holice 2012 (large CB + HF meeting in OK), pictures: OK1EM, OK1AKE, OK1FHI, OK2ZDL and some CB guys.

Will new Icom 7100 consist as well as 70MHz band? Take care with microcomputer gear - it may produce QRM. 

Visitors LNAs noise figure measure list made on EME conference in Cambridge.  Patch feed for 1296 MHz EME.

Few OK1AIY's pics from SP VHF meeting & pics SP3RNY.  Report from JO02B in progress. MS from JM99WN.

We have visited EME conference in Cambridge. Videorecords from the meeting are almost on-line available here.

Final results of the OK Microwave Contest 2012. Preliminary result of Summer OK QRP 2m Contest (OK1DOM).

DF2ZC brings new EME Newsletter for 144MHz band. Don't forget send your log to Alpe-Adria contest evaluation.

Reminder to first Meteor Scatter QSO 54 years ago.  MS expedition EW/UR7GO has moved to KO32SF square.

MS for QRO stations only? OM0DC made from worse QTH with 7el yagi & FT897 already 5 MS QSO, Congrats!

Fotogallery of Perseids + fb pic good for screensaver of your PC. SGO Meteor radar. HV0A is QRV on 2m again.

Perseids 2012 are online on the  web of I.M.O. & SKiYMET radar 32 + 53MHz. How to do it - your first MS QSO.

2m MS DX-ped. in KO42. 40.years since first MS QSO on 70cm when Earth was tightly passed by big meteroid.

Expected meteoritic activity for predicted maximum of Perseids meteoritic shower from perspective of  2m QSO.

How loud were OK stations on SM7LCB's site in July Field day on 23cm. Headphones, probably better than Heil.

This week you have good MS opportunity - Perseids shower.  VK3UM released new update of his EME calc soft.

Input tap and adjustable attenuator for driver of 23cm PA. EME Conference in Cambridge. DL UHF meeting.

Summer QRP Contest is gone. OK1TEH didn't contributed points. Polish VHF convention. SP hams flea market.

Al K2UYH released new EME NewsLetter for 70cm & above bands. The best 2m DX QSO in OK, QRB 18299km.

PA IZ4BEH for 70 & 13cm. In these days were nice condx for RS QSO on 3cm. Log OK1TEH & OK1JKT's report.

Communication on the route Earth - Mars. Perseids 2012, prepared MS KO32-42, JP60, IO42, KQ50.

Due to Perseids observation try alternative MS activity on-line observation. Low Power 432MHz Contest from OM.

New squares 4m trip SP1 / OZ2M. 3cm DX-pedition IN3 / DK1MAX (JN56). "Low bands" web of OX3LX (HP15EO).

Web pages of TM2A contest team. On 28.7 was weak Es, from OK to 7X, where isn't activity. Perseids invitation.

Invitation to OK QRP Contest. Alpe-Adria VHF contest is the next show, but will be held as well as other events.

Send your EDI logs from June VHF Contest into IARU international evaluation!  VHF beacon keyers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

OK1IA released his second "preliminary results" of Microwave Contest. Time for correction is unfortunately gone.

Well-known aerials designer K1FO is Silent Key now. server was 10 hours out due to Thunderstorm.

Preliminary results of Microwave contest in OM and final DL results. OK0EA for 24GHz: details. Small 23cm PA.

On 28.7 eve were good condx for 3cm RS QSO with HB, DL, I, OE. 3cm RS in ZL/VK. On 2&4m is QRV OX3LX.

On 28.7 was short 2m Es from OK2 to UA3.  Es & TLE observation above OK. KH7Y has on 2m EME 4x17 el.Y.

Check JE1BNZ designs. Update of OK VHF Contests record results list.  New 9cm beacon OK0ER by OK2ULQ.

Claimed results of Young ops. Field day & note OK1MWW.  OZ2M prepares 4m trip to Bornholm (JO74 & JO75).

Very interesting presentation of IK3XTV focused to Sporadic E.  2m MS DX-ped SM/SM3BIY.  Observe 4m band!

Final OK results of May VHF contest 2012.  Milan OM3WFC succeeded 24.7. his first 2m EME QSO. Congrats!

Nice VHF web ZL4PLM. Abt.IC9100 & 70cm kW PA by W6PQL. How good is a grounding of your VHF antenna?

OK1TEH's report from 15.7 Aurora on 4m, 2m & 70cm  4m Au QSO was the very first Auroral QSO on 4m in OK.

Aurora of 15.7 by: OK1ZHS, OK1KOK + FB video and NASA comments.  Remembrance to DF5AI's Au articles.

Slovak invitation into Low Power VHF Contest. First QSO OKVP9 on 70 & 23cm declares OK1DFC. Congrats!

2m dish construction for 23cm by OM3RRC. New 4m beacon 9A0BFH.  On 21-22.7 join 2m Dubus EME Contest.

Together with A-A VHF Contest will be held again The Summer OK QRP Contest. For annonce use our QRV list.

July VHF 2012: OL7C, OK1KUO, OK2KYZ, OM6W + pic, OL7Q.  On 18.7 was short 2m Es, OK2PWY hrd EA8.

When you are looking for some parts for your new project.  Funkamateur shop. How to not connect coax cables.

OK2KKW's contest report from Field day contest 2012. On 16.7 was short 2m Es. Aurora reports from 15th July.

July VHF 2012: OM6A, OM3KDX +2, OK1KHI-70cm, OK1VEI, OK2UEC, IW2MJQ/2. AU at OK1DQT, SM7GVF.

July VHF 2012: OK2ILA, UT4EK, OL4K, OK5K, OK1UFF + on Siberia [1], video RW2F, UR8IP. Remind your log!

CME arrived on eve of Saturday 14.7 and on Sunday initiated multihours Aurora. From OK it works even on 70cm.

First 2m QSO OK -> VP9 has succeeded by OK1RD, Congrats! On Saturday was short 2m Es - OK/DL do UA6.

Stable clock freq.12MHz for counter locked to GPS - article by OK1UGA. 2m EME DXpedition VP9I is on the air!

On Friday 13th. were Es condx on 2m. Email for OK1AOZ. Which VHF bands are legally used by Ukrainian ops.

July VHF by: OM7M, OK2KYK, OL4N, OK6TW, OK1CJB.  Video by IK4WKU/6 & IW2MJQ/1. Protection gadget.

Al K2UYH release new EME NewsLetter for 432 MHz and up. July VHF Field day by: OK5T, OK1CJH, OK1CSS.

CME flare X1.4 has oriented toward Earth and the impact would be on Saturday. More.  It may create 2m Aurora.

July Field day by: OL3Y, OK1VM, S51ZO. DF2ZC presents 2m EME NewsLetter. Short 2m Es IK4 - 4X on 11.7.

Field day by OL4A + 3cm, DQ7A, OK1EM, OK2FKF, OK1KJV, OK1KJO, OK1KOB, S50C, S59DEMReminder.

On 2m is active MS Dx-ped.of OH0/DJ5HG. Ed White WA3BZT SK. OK2KKW's July VHF Contest 10 years ago.

Field day 2012: OK1OPT+pic, OK1KFH, OK1AKE, S57C, DR4M, IQ1KW, 9A6AR.  On 9.7 was on 2m weak Au.

Field day 2012: OK2C, OK5Z, OK1KPA, OK1NWD, OK1STJ, OK6R, YU1LA & 9A/S52W. DL6NAA's laser QSO.

Traditional, in OK already 63 (!) VHF Field Day Contest, is over.  Claimed scores in OK, OM, SP, 9A, G, S5, PA.

Pictures from "microwave hills" in Italy: Monte Nerone JN63GN & more, more.  3cm EMC issue correspondence.

Still we have rainscatter season - each day you can on 10GHz make QSO over 500km. Sporadic 4.July E condx.

OK2PWY's article about RS on 24GHz. At the present time we have good chance for RS condx (report OK1JKT).

OK1KIR enlarged dish to 6.1m, more in EME report from June 2012.  Video DK3EE how loud was on 2m 4X1GA.

Weather forecast for July Field day, contest with a long history. More here, here. What made OK1TEH in 1.7.Es.

July presented us large Es, opening on 2m was almost all day.  Don't forget annonce your July contest activities.

As well as on 30.6 was nice Es with MUF 200MHz. But from OK to Africa. Strong RS brings success on 10GHz.

How loud was on 28.6. here TF3ML on 4m.  ES0/DL1RNW (KO18DE) QRV 2m MS. VK3UM's interesting article.

Smith circle chart software for WIN7 you may download free here. Freescale released few new transistors for PA.

Preliminary OK final results of May VHF Contest 2012, open for complaints till July 3rd.  2m Es between I - EA8.

On 24.6 was unique opportunity for tropo QSO OK-EA, succeeded by OK1FD. 4m report OH5LID from KP40 trip.

10GHz & consideration what next. WTF→ reaction of CRC council member. DR9A's 23cm gear. More by DF9IC.

ČTÚ release new 10GHz General licence VO-R/14, response of ČTÚ to OK2KKW's submition you may see here.

Preliminary final results of May VHF Contest 2012 in OM. 2m MS DX-ped. ES0/DL1RNW to KO18, KO07, KO08.

OK!AIY's article abt. upgrade of OK0EA beacon.  OK1EM's dish modification for 122 GHz. 3cm RS log OK1JKT.

OH5LID will be QRV on 4m via MS from KP40. 60/40% splitter for two 2m PAs. SM/DG5CT (JO87) is on 2m MS.

British wireless regulator allocated for Olympic games since 28.6 part of amateur radio bands in 144 & 432 MHz.

EME rig JA6CZD & QSL confirming first 24GHz QSO OK↔JA. Next QSLs confirming 1st OK QSO abroad: 1,  2.

Articles from VHF history: here, here. OK1HRA with experience from VHF applications improves remote RX/TRX.

Microwave Contest 2012 by DL0GTH.  Alpe Adria UHF Contest 2012 - claimed  9A, S5, reports: S57C, more 9A.

Web "Croatia microwave".  After our test has cheap TDD Ubiquity link for 3cm more and more troubles with EMC. 

Useful SW RF tools. OK1AIY announced, that beacon OK0EA on 3 & 6cm has fixed & QRV again. Presentation.

Few circuit's gadgets  and frequency doubler with CMOS. OK1UGA's 10MHz frequency standard locked to GPS.

On Sunday will be held traditional Alpe Adria UHF Contest. Microwave contest by OK2M. May VHF OK edi logs.

Al K2UYH release new EME NewsLetter for 432 MHz & above bands.  Microwave Contest 2012: DM7A JO60LK.

Strong solar flares of M class, will it create weekend Aurora? 10GHz RS news on the web page of Karel OK1JKT.

Half year's "Silence of the Lambs" on OK2KKW's page.  OK2A report from Microwave Contest. 50MHz weekend!

Very preliminary results of Microwave Contest (without EDI + ERR logs],  for corrections CRK gave time until 19.6.

Simple control of latching" relay by OM7SM. Sweden: last chance? Read more here, here . Nice 2m Es on 10.6.

Microwave Contest: OM6A, OL4K, OK2KFJ, OK1VEI. Looking for SSPA cooling calc? Look as well here & here.

CTU publish petitions in the matter of 10GHz commercial use. Big Es on 9.6 - results of OK hams. E-calculators.

OK0EA beacon on 6 & 3cm is temporary QRT due to upgrade of Rubidium standard. St.Louis 10GHz check day.

Microwave Contest by OK1KUO.  What made OK1TEH in these days on 4m. Remind the 50MHz Contest IARU.

As well as on 7 & 8.6 were Es, on 7.6 was possible wkd from OK on 70MHz A92IO, on 8.6 was 2m Es  LZ to G.

DF2ZC releases new 2m EME NewsLetter. We got QSL for first 4m QSO OK - SP. 144MHz TR report OK1DQT.

Microwave contest by: OK1OPT, 9A1Z. New 4m Es SP ODX 3945km, more Dismount of 25m dish of PI9CAM.

Final results of May VHF Contest in DL, HB, OEOK1TEH's pics from Venus transition of Sun, more here, here.

New antenna rotor by DL6NAA for 10GHz. OK2PWY's pics. Observe at June 6th rare astronomical event on Sun.

Microwave Contest 2012 by OK2R, OK1EM, OK1VM, OK1JKT, DR5T, S57C(1), S51ZO, S58M, 9A6AR, 9A2SB.

DB0FGB beacon on 1296.840MHz is "on the air"again. SR6UHC beacon on 432,452MHz is in OK very loud now.

Microwave Contest OK2C, OK1KPA, OK1CJH, OK1UFF, claimed results: 9A, S5, OK, OM. OM3AU's memorial.

First OK-SP QSO on 70MHz. What achieved OK2ULQ via 23cm EME.  And what OK2DL. SP has start up 9cm.

Leave your annonce abt.participation in the Microwave Contest. Weather forecast for contest here. Web QRZCQ.

What has made within Es of 29.5:info OK1ZHS and OK1TEH's log (2m), (4m). Further news & pics from Uganda.

As well as ČAV sent to CTU petition in the matter of general licence for 10 GHz commercial links. F6FHP is SK.

On May 29th. were observed almost 2 hours 2m Es (from OK to EA, CT). More. How to predict 2m Es read here.

First 122GHz QSO OK-OE completed by OK1AIY, congrats! Read more about this 26km long QSO on 122 GHz.

First 3cm QSO OK - TK wkd OK1KIR, congrats!  On 28.5 was short 2m Es UA-UN. OL4A report from May VHF.

First 24GHz QSO OK-JA established new OK DX-record 8840km. New 1kW 70cm PA by W6PQL. News abt.5X.

First 70cm QSO OK-5X wkd OK1DFC and first 24GHz QSO OK-JA has completed by OK1KIR, congrats! More.

Pics from 5X1EME DX-ped. On 27.5 was 4m Es, OK1TEH's msg. OK2M's pics from May VHF. Croatian 24GHz.

First 6cm QSO OK - TK & first 4m QSO OK - OHØ. VHF DXing from Uganda on 3.rd day. OK0EI beacon moved.

144MHz Es on 23.5 were from OK to 5B, but no QSO. MUF development. May VHF 2012 by DL0GTH & TM57M.

We are moving into time of Es maximum. On weekend will be perfect EME condx. Try your very first EME QSO.

First 2m QSO OK-5X completed by Jarda OK1RD, congrats! 26 -27.5 will be held ARI 2012 EME Digital Contest.

Cheap kilowatt PA - as well as for 4m... EME DX-peds: Nebraska & Uganda.  OH0 on 4m.  EA beacons on 3cm.

Who supported our petition. May Contest video: LY2WR, YT5MW, IW2MJQ & DP5P. Contest group DR5A QRT?

May VHF 2012 by: IK4WKU/6, Z38C + pic. On 20.5 was 2m Es, but not from OK. 2m YU  LNA by OK1GTH + 2.

New 4m beacon SV8FOUR/B KM08hq. A92IO 19.5 on 4m hrd by IK4PMB. 75 years old OK1AB's article[tubes]. 

On 19.May was short 2m Es, but from OK into vacant area, 4m report OK1TEH here. EME DX-ped. TK/DL1YMK.

Since 1.6 will be in SP allowed operate on 4m & 9cm. First 13cm QSO OK-TK wkd OK1CA. 6m DXing OK2GM.

May contest by DR5T. IARU VHF NewsLetterDesign of 6m dish by SP7DCS. ČRK sent ČTÚ theirs application.

Awards for winners of VHF Championship were sent. SP&DYN's proposal. OK meteorologic radars presentation.

May VHF 2012 by OK2M, OM3KDX. On 17.5 were observed short 2m Es OK - UA. Updated list of  4m beacons.

How looks an EMC between ham radio service and PBM 10 link on 3cm band?  OK2KKW's May Contest report.

Al K2UYH releases new EME NewsLetter for 432 MHz and above bands. On 25.5 starts EME DX-ped. 5X1EME.

May VHF 2012: OL3Y, OK2FKF & OM6W. OK1DTC pics of Kozákov 2012 micromeeting. OM6PM's 23cm EME.

May VHF 2012: OK1VEI, OK2KYZ, OK5K, OK5T, SM7LCB, S57C. EME aerial RN6BN 64x15xp has destroyed.

OK2KKW's letter to Czech Radiocomm. authority against commercial allocation on 10 GHz band. Helical filters.

May VHF 2012: OK1KUO, DR4M & S50C. DF2ZC releases new EME NewsLetter for 2m band. New 4m beacon.

On 10.May was 2m Es between SV - EA and nice 4m Es from OK to G, GW & EI.  Check RS condx on May 11.

OH5LID inform mini 4m MS DX-ped & abt. new World DX 4m DX record with EI8IQ -> 2316km, congrats!

ČTÚ prepares new General Licence for commercial use of 10GHz amateur band.It's time for defence! Support us!

May VHF 2012: OL7C, OK5Z, OK1OPT, OL7Q, OK1VM, PA1T & comments of few PAsRemote TRX SM7LCB.

May VHF 2012: OL9W, OL2J, HA5KDQ, S51ZO, S58M. On May 8th. observed 2m Es from F to YO,YU and 9A.

OK1KIR's EME report from beginning of May. VK3UM's new SW E.M.R.C. Video of OM3RBS Club in a local TV.

May VHF 2012 by: OK1EM, OK1CJH, OK1AYR, OK1KFH, OK1JKT, OK2C's pics and claimed score of OM, ON.

May VHF 2012 by: OK1NWD, OK1STJ, OK1KPA, OK2C, OK2IMH, S57O + claimed scores: 9A, OK, G, S5, PA.

First 9cm QSO OK - HBØ completed by OK1CA, congrats! (thanks OK1DAI for msg).  New SDR RX at OK1CDJ.

Check new, accurate storms prediction Medard! Look for M.S.shower eta Aquarids. New 23cm beacon SR9LHK.

Surprise on internet: here, here. Compare with original: here, here & here.  DX VHF NewsLetter is available again.

OK1EM's tests on 47 + 122 GHz. Es season has just started, MUF reached 108 MHz! 4m Es at OK1TEH's log.

First 24 GHz QSO OK - UA3 worked OK1KIR, congrats! An cheap SDRREF 13cm EME contest by OK2ULQ.

The first weather forecast on May contest > JO60. Online log of expedition GS3PYE/P. 13cm EME by OK1KKD.

The threat of loss of 23cm band in the W and ARRL response.  Will CRK respond to the threat of QRM on 3cm?

Leave announcements about your participation in May contest. Start of 4/2m MS expedition GS3PYE/P IO66vh.

Photos from EY8ZF 2m EME DXpedition. Last chance to work PI9CAM before annual shutdown of the 25m dish.

First QSO on 2m OK - EY wkd OK1RD, 70cm OK - EY wkd OK1DFC &  6cm OK - HBØ wkd OK1KIR, Congrats!

Annual Awards for winners of OK VHF Contests Championship 2011.  And one honorary Trophy more. Congrats!

Dummy load matching for 23cm SSPA.  2m converter for SDR. This weekend you have a good chance try EME.

CRK put the application to radiocommunication authority to increase 6m OK power limit. 27.4 start EME EY8ZF.

Mini-DXpedition OZ9KY JO57. Nice web PA3CSG. EME + µW meeting: 1, 2, 3, 4. Quite good coax. connectors.

Without telegraphy knowledge you can't be good VHF op 23cm BPF OK1CJH. Semirigids & circulators from VK.

Al K2UYH releases new EME NewsLetter for 70cm & above Ice Storm pics when K1WHS lost his EME aerials.

OH5LID report abt. 4m DX trip to ES. Antenna stacking. OK1CJH's 6cm feed. ARRL wants 9cm even with UWB.

Around 22.4. would be flat maximum of Lyrids, more. On 22.4. look for PI9CAM on 23cm. 144MHz DX-ped. E2E.

70MHz gear of G3TCT.  Operation of VHF DX-ped. to Tajikistan. Do you know PIM - connector's intermodulation?

Final results of the March VHF Contest in OK here. Congrats to winners!  Reminder of public relations prehistory.

Láďa OK1DIX released new version of VUSC 4 WIN [6.32]. For download go here. And what new is in the v.6.32?

4m MS Dx-ped. of OH5LID into rare squares in ES, more here. VK3UM releases new version of EME Calc. v.8.0.

How the UWB system may affect hamradio operation on 23cm band (on EME it would be worse) read here, here.

Old, but interesting article by W8MQV abt. telegraphy reception below noise. Lyrids MS shower peak on 22.Apr.

Do you know quarterly CQ VHF? Ham radio meetings: 1, 2, 3, 4. Few days to activation of 70 & 3400MHz in SP.

History of first OK linear repeater OK0A. Online conversion of old QRA loc to WW LOC. Dxpedition FG4 is QRV.

Excel calc of RF performance of 144MHz antennas. How to solder PWR LDMOS transistors & PCB to CU board.

Useful device: 100 - 900 MHz broadband IC 8W PA. Completed results of OK Christmas Contest incl. error logs.

Interesting dissertation,focused to efficiency of power amplifiers. DF2ZC released new 144MHz EME NewsLetter.

Preliminary final results of OK Christmas Contest 2011 [PDF]. Easter's contest 2012: OK1OPT (pics), OK1KFH.

DX-pedition J52EME is gone, pics are here. On 27-29.4 would be active EME DX-ped.EY8ZF. New 750W 2m PA.

Nice equipment for a bit wrong frequency. One more article focused to LDE phenomena. More abt.HA8ET's LNA.

First 2m QSO OK - ZP9 has achieved by Jarda OK1RD, congrat! Panorama pics. Progression of 24.Solar Cycle.

Final results of ARRL EME Contest 2011 and ARI CW EME Contest 2011.  HB9JAW's forced sale of EME gear.

Claimed scores of OK Easter's Contest 2012.  Pics & video by 4U1ITU. Since 12.4 look for 2m EME by FG4KH.

EME report OK1KIR from REF contest. First 70cm QSO OK-J52 wkd OK1DFC, congrats. SM7FWZ's 3cm EME.

2m kW PA OZ1PIF. Nice web pages of ZL4PLM & VK3BJM. Japanese power amplifiers.  Low pass PWR filters.

Final international results of Marconi Memorial Contest 2011, compare to OK evaluation we didn't observe errors.

First 70cm QSO OK - XV was worked by OK1DFC, congrats. ON frequency hearing on 4m and TRX discussion.

What prepares CRC for this year contest season. J52EME presumably due to interference from HF has poor RX.

First 23cm QSO OK - XV has completed by OK1KIR, congrats! Nice video from 1955. 6m EME by VK9N/ZL1RS.

Don't like creepage commercial privatization of 10GHz ham radio band? Defend yourself! More. Even much more.

First 2m QSO OK - Vietnam succeeded by Slávek, OK1CU. Congrats Mini beacon OK7RA on 47 GHz in JO60.

J52EME show online EME log.  Last March weekend will be held traditional Dubus REF CW EME Contest 2012.

First ever 2m QSO OK - J52 was completed by Jarda OK1RD, congrats!  VHF & UHF bands under threat? More.

On 2m is QRV EME DL expedition to Vietnam. Are you looking for French callbook? An interesting F.A.I. page.

Italian EME expedition J52EME started their 2m operation. EME log of 4U1ITU. 23cm solid state PA by G3XDY.

4U1ITU on EME -> 1st day. Do you need JO34WE on 70cm? Heligoland island is QRV as DA0HEL, read more.

W5LUA received first 5,7GHz WAC diploma. Congrats!  But the first, who fulfill conditions of WAC were OK1KIR.

From the history of hamradio frequency allocations on 3cm. Even more, moreAnd what now: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Al K2UYH sent new EME NewsLetter for 432 MHz & above bands. Next week will be QRV HBØ on 13 cm EME.

10GHz band in serious threat. DL7APV's Lunatic calendar. Interesting web page of DD1US. PA6NL's 70cm LNA.

March contest by OK1AYR, OK5K, OK1KFH and preliminary result list based on claimed scores. LNA OK1GTH.

Tropo 14.3 by OK7CW, OK2AF. OK1VM's supply of Thales µW gearOn 23 - 25.3 will be 4U1ITU QRV 2m EME.

March Contest by DL0GTH. OK1KIR's March EME report. 18.3 were recorded ISS communication on 145,8MHz.

Tropo 13 - 15.3 by: OK1TEH (+mp3), OK1DQT, OK1ZHS, OK1FD, OK1DFC & G4LOH. OK1TEH's auroral report.

Tropo condx report OK5XM from Karlovy Vary. Few Hamradio meetings: 1, 2, 3, 4. 70MHz PA homebrew design.

Tropo reports from 15.3 by EU stns.& Aurora's reportSV2DCD described next 70MHz TEP QSO with ZS6WAB.

Nearest beacons freq.measurment. Micro hamradio meeting in Frenstat & our regards to winner of special award.

On March 15th.were in EU observed three exceptional condx of propagation in one day:  Tropo, Aurora, 4m TEP!

Why DF9IC left DARC? Is the similarity with CRC coindicence only? OM Power's 2m kW PA sample. Radiators.

G4LOH IO70 was loud in Prague on 13.3 via 2m tropo, QRB 1403km. Tropo condx probably be good until Friday.

Radio Club OM3RRC (OM3ROM) is newcomer on  2m EME13.3 will be held 70cm NAC. Check FB TR condx.

DF2ZC released new EME NewsLetter for 144MHz band. OK1DFC achieved first 23cm QSO OK - GD, congrats.

March contest: OK2M, OK1KJV, OK1CJH, S51ZO, S58M, S57M, 9A2SB, 9A6AR. 9.March Aurora here & here.

On March 10 th. 2012 we have registered more, than 2 millions visitors of our web. TNX to all readers for interest!

First QSO on 24 GHz from OK to OZ completed by OK1KIR & OZ1FF, congrats! QSL for 6cm QSO OK-PY.

Sun activity area AR-1429 sent the next CME, now of M6 class, which would hit Earth already on 11.3. morning.

March contest by: OL9W, OL3Y, OK6R, OK1TEH. Aurora was active in OK since 14:00 to 16:20h, log OK1TEH.

Remembrance to 50.years old article abt. Aurora by OK1KW (UI8ABD).  Monitor of Czech astronomical society.

On 2m was active Auroral condx in OK, QTF abt. 0 to 20deg. More details in preparation. More, here, here, here.

Sun is still boiling and Sunspots are visible even by eyesight. Geomegnetic storm is going forward. More details.

March contest by OK2KCE.  CME hit of X-5 flare contrary to expectation did not evoked Aurora. 144MHz PA kit.

On 7.3. was short 2m Aurora, OK1FPR wkd SM6CMU. CME of X-5 cloud arrived 8.3 abt. 11:00h UTC more here.

Sun flare: coronal mass eruption X5 class, maybe toward Earth. CME would create on March 8 - 9th. 2m Aurora.

March Contest: OL7C, OK1OPT, OK5Z, HA5KDQ & S57O. Success of OK1KIR team: first 9cm QSO OK LA.

March test: OL2J, OK2RTI, S57C, IQ1KW, 9A200Z, 9A4V, 9A7PJT, PA stns. OK1IA rcvd by OK7RA on 47GHz.

How OL7M run just for fun and OK2C gave points.  One complaint for splatters. OK1VM and OK1EM experience.

March Contest by: OK1UFF, OK1ZHS, OK1NWD, OK1STJ & OK2KYC. Claimed scores in: 9A, OK, OM, G, S5.

March Contest was again test of patience due to QRM.  Use of more QRO TX in multibeaming became standard.

OK Winter QRP test results. Look 10 years ago how OK vote against 70cm change & how OK2ZI keeps tongue.

What kind of propagation? If you not take a part in the contest, give us points from home Key parts of QRO PA.

Long time before planned MS/ES DX-pedition to OH0 area on 70MHz band. Production marking of Tesla devices.

OK1STJ's web pages are focused to VHF hamradio construction. 28 to 70MHz transverter kit. Envelope detector.

VHF contesting 30,years ago, when OK1KHI in 1981 made from Sněžka 618 792 points on 144MHz (log is here).

Multiband results of OK participants of the IARU UHF Contest 2011 here. The next update of OK & OM web links.

Do not forget send your annonce for contest.  Weather forecast for sub. 2012.  Verify tropo condx on Friday.

New EME NewsLetter for 70cm & above. Presentation focused to the design of SSPA. OK1EM's µW aspirations.

As well as in Brasil is popular VHF operation. Compare table of PY DX records. VHF DXs: Tadjikistan & Uganda.

RF connectors producer. Logaritmic-period antennas. Real hamradio PA with "Tsunami" name for HF contesters.

QSL for first 70cm QSO OK-UN and for 23cm OK-4U1 QSO, tnx OK1DAI. OK1FIG article abt.136 kHz operation.

Invitation to traditional REF & DUBUS EME Contest 2012. Bazaar and OK2KKW's chat is fully operational again.

Take the time & watch, it is like an endearment in nowadays. From the dispute on CRC chat. SP6 VHF meeting.

On 70,085 MHz is QRV new beacon A92C LL56HE & on 21.02. was already received in JN54AC, QRB 4138km!

On 21.2, due to server migration & OS change is temporarily out of service our bazaar & chat board. Sorry guys!

 7kHz only instead of 13cm band? - commercial pressure on WRC. Interesting presentation abt.EMC of GPS RX.

QRP test by claimed points. Update of OK & OM links to hamradio pages. We kindly ask you for checking & fix.

Recommended reading. Winter QRP test by OM1HI.  50.years anniversary of Oscar 1 satellite.  OK2ULQ's blog.

Winter experience from QRP Contest by OK2KZB & OK1LOL.  Rotators SW on OK2TPQ's web.  VHF DX News.

Winter QRP test 2012 by: OK1MCS, OK2R & received logs. Czech web of CubeSat project. G3XDY's switchbox

Well done presentation of G4BAO why to test 13cm EME & microwaves basics.  Failure of OK0EA 3cm beacon.

Chips for your interest: 1, 2, 3. VK3UM released new version of his EME planner SW. 10GHz design by VK5KK.

OK1TEH released new 2m EME Window written for Radiožurnál. Comments to new VHF Contests rules by CRC.

How to measure at home noise figure? See the designs of: G8KBB, G4COM + G4JNT, SQ4AVS, W1GHZ. Více.

CRC refused OK2KKW's complaint & by strange manner announced change of  VHF Contests rules -> our note.

DF2ZC releases new EME NewsLetter for 144MHz band.  Australian discussion how to start with EME on 23cm.

Winter QRP Contest 2012: OK1NOR, OK1KCI, OK1VOF+OK1KUO, OK7RAInfo of J25EME launch preparation

Winter QRP Contest 2012: OK1JFH, OK1RW, OK1ZHS, OK1KUO-pic, OK2POI. Update of "first abroad" OK list.

First QSO OK - 4U1ITU (op. OM1AM) on 23cm has succeeded by OK1KIR, congrats!  Launch of 4U1ITU on 2m.

Comparison of power measure of SSB modulation by ordinary and PEP detector. Peak hold circuits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

More designs of low power meters: OK1TIC, DC4KU & W1GHZ.  Kits: 1, 2. Datasheets: 3, 4. Where to buy ICs?

QRP Contest remind measurment of low power. Inspiration by: VA3IUL, DL4MEA, OZ2CPU, DK8OH & YO4HFU.

The 70MHz band in Italy has opened again for ham radio operation, in SP it would be soon. Digital miliwattmeter.

Final results of the OK VHF Contests Championship for 2011. Remind famous persons of RF technology history.

Last days for registration on 2012 EME U.K. Convention. Finding of meteorites point of impact have Czech roots.

Swedish VHF community already lost 13cm band. Rhombic antenna. Reminder to OK Winter QRP VHF Contest.

Interesting article from EME history.  Australian VHF Field day Contest Comments to Middle waves contesting.

PE1L team prepares EME DX-pedition to Uganda, more on 5X1EME's web.  DL8YHR brews EME DX-ped. to EY.

Czech state signed ACTA agreement, free access to an info may be locked soon. Poles shouts, Czechs sleeps.

M8.7 flare CME impact was on 15h UTC, but doesn't made significant 2m AU. Backup of Kiruna magnetometers.

Sun exploded in CME of M8 level toward Earth againCME hit would bring Aurora condx. already on 24.January.

Al K2UYH released new EME NewsLetter for 432 MHz and above bands. SP2XDM article about VHF circulators.

On 22.1 arrived delayed CME and created in OK 2m Aurora >log & mp3 by OK1TEH, pics of January show here.

Transceivers modifications from for YAESU, ICOM, KENWOOD in one file.  CQ WW 160m is comming.

New MS MGM mode PSK2K (DJ5HG), more. Do you know SP SHF chat?  Quadrantids by: OK1TEH, OK2PMS.

Earth-directed solar flare M3 was detected, CME should arrived on 21.1 at 22h ± 7h UTC (animation), read more.

Thanks to OK2AQ were made on VUTBR nice student projects. Designs of 23cm PA: G4CCH, OK2DL, OK1KIR.

On 17.1.OK1KIR succeeded in finalization of first 3cm OK - SV QSO, congrats! Brilliant Italian 47GHz DX record.

Visit on TK5JJ's roof. Interesting W6QI's presentation focused to 47GHz. Few words about radioastronomy feeds.

We made English translation of our expedition story from the UHF Contest 2007 in France incl.some new videos.

Home made branchline coupler with 90° phase shift for 23cm PA driver circuits. Czech made high IP VHF mixer.

First 70cm QSO OKUN wkd. OK1KIR, congrats! The very first WACs on VHF. K1JT brings new MAP 65 v.2.0. 

On weekend are awaited good EME condx. EME QSO's adventureRussian measurement. RF link budget calc.

List of 70cm EME stations. Sad pictures of abandoned radiotelescope dishes: NRL+, Kuwait, 9Y+1, VE, G, W2.

After one year we would try to discuss again effectivity of the PWR limit controls during VHF Contests. Results?

Who, when & how received our beacon during 2011. And what NAC on Tuesday 10.1. SP6GWN's 6cm.

PE1BTX terminated EME operation. His gear is for sale.  Info abt. PY1KK's 6cm by OK1KIR.  4m Big Wheel ant.

PY1KK activated his 6cm EME rig, what help OK1KIR to complete condition for first 6cm WAC. Congrats! More.

Completed OK results of MMC. Note. Preliminary results of MČR 2011 VHF Championship. VA3IUL's PA theory.

Quadrantids 2012 had strong peak on Jan.4th morning > check MS radar. Fix your antenna, on 5.1 will be windy.

Quadrantids MS shower interesting history. New 1kW PA OZ1PIF based on F1JRD Dubus design. EI4DQ WAC.

DF2ZC released new EME Newsletter for 144MHz. New update of VK3UM's SW.  2m SOTA from Chopok 28.12.

Collection of DK2ZF's VHF QSLs. DL7APV has 500 cubes on 70cm. Congrats!  Where to buy heatsinks: 1, 2, 3.

Online log 70cm Dx-ped.FG4KH. Quadrantids 2011 Dx-peditions: LA/OH2FPN JP61, HV0A & EW/RM2M KO42.

First 4m QSO OK-PA has completed by OK1KT, congrats. Nice video DF0MU abt.GS35 PA. 2m DX-ped.KO42.

How to evaluate 2011 year & what estimation for 2012.  Already on Jan.3rd. we'll have Quadrantids, try MS DXs!

OK2KKW members wish good health, happiness, love, peace, great DXs, no QRM and lot of wins in the contests!

================================================= PF 2012 ===============================================

How different were evaluation & evaluation. New IARU VHF Handbook v.6.00 consist changes, agreed in Sun City.

First 70cm QSO OK FG, congrats. 24GHz novelty on OK1EM's web. How to start EME in the 432 MHz band.

Tropo reports of 27.12: OK1TEH (include MP3), DL6NAA, OK1FPR, OK1DQT, G4SWX, M0VRL and even more.

New web of Franta OK1CA. Replacement on behalf of EME chat N0UK. HV0A is active on 2m almost each day.

Claimed scores of OK Christmas contest 2011. SM7LCB moved web. New look of Live.cq, now even on 70 + 23.

Launch of 70cm EME DX-pedition FG4KH.  Final OM result of VHF MMC 2011. Since Jan.1st is 4m legal in PA.

Tropo condx opening OK↔G. On 26.12 was Vatican City on 144MHz! Preliminary final OK results of MMC 2011.

Most active countries in the EU from the perspective of number of  VHF Contests participants are OK, S5 & OM. 

Final international results of the UHF Contest 2011, previous years here. Preparation of the DX-pedition J52EME.

Beacons...   QRB  Maps  (2) (3)   Profiles

OK2KKW web on 15.8.2012 celebrates already 12 (!) years since launch of our daily effort to be an actual information source focused to the VHF DX  amateur radio operation in OK and abroad. We are thinking abt. possible improvements, but because we are not sure, how much is our work valuable for you, we would kindly ask you for feedback if some further changes would be invited, or if will be more convenient to swap it by ordinary club presentation.

An older news from previous years - please click here: 2012201120102009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 & 2000